In Russian
Contents Türkic languages
A.Askarov The Aryan problem
Classification of Türkic languages
Language Types
Lingo-Ethnical Tree
Indo-European, Arians, Dravidian, and Rigveda
Scythian Ethnic Affiliation
Türkic borrowings in English
Türkic in Romance
Alans in Pyrenees
Türkic in Greek
Alan Dateline
Avar Dateline
Besenyo Dateline
Bulgar Dateline
Huns Dateline
Karluk Dateline
Khazar Dateline
Kimak Dateline
Kipchak Dateline
Kyrgyz Dateline
Sabir Dateline
Seyanto Dateline

KazSSR Academy of Sciences
Linguistics Institute
E. N. Shipova
Dictionary of Türkisms in Russian Language
Alma-Ata, "Science" KazSSR, 1976, ISBN -none
Editor-in-chief Akad. A.N.Kononov

Cover Page A - D E - M N - T U - Ya


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Additional studies:
Clauson, Gerard. "Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish", with a preface by A. Róna-Tas. (Studia Uralo-Altaica. 14-15) 2 vols. xi, (1), 356pp.; (2), 261pp. Szeged (Attila Jószef University), 1981
Clauson, Gerard. "Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish", Oxford University Press, London, 1972

Posting Foreword

The title of this book includes 3 Türkisms: "Cлoвapь/Slovar", "Тюpкизмoв/Türkismov", "Языкe/Yazyke". The origin of the fourth word, "Pуccкoм/Russkom", is not known for sure.

A reader will immediately notice that the posting was not proofread. In special cases, for a more detailed follow up, a careful proofreading will be required, but academic research is outside of the purpose of this posting, intended to display a degree of historical linguistic symbiosis between the Türkic and Slavic languages. In that purpose, we follow the intent of E.N.Shipova, who published a collection of lexicon and previously published references, predominantly without her independent analysis, leaving that to future scholars. This has not followed, the intellectual activity in past half-century was about the same as in the previous two centuries. Whether a pathetic patriotism, or the spirit of the reigning systems prevented history form breaking free, replacing its with the surrogates of the Potemkin tales. The number of links to the related subjects was minimized, allowing the readers to do their own searches to resolve any questions.

In a way the dictionary is a child of WWII. During the war, scientists of the Leningrad Linguistic Institute were evacuated to Kazakhstan, in its then capital Frunze, rechristened by Stalinists after one of most vicious red commissars. The fate gave linguist E.N.Shipova, who was earlier specializing in Russian philology, a chance to learn about the the Kazakh Türkic language, which 35 years later developed into a philological publication. The task by that time was in the plans for more than 150 years, but in spite that Russian history and philology are inseparable from Türkic history and philology, and that Türkic languages constitute a lexical backbone of the Russian language and a second linguistic majority in the country, the plan could not germinate for almost two centuries. The work suffered only a single shy print of 3,500 copies, and that is all that the country can boast since the times of the French revolution. Even now, in Russia the publication retains a semi-academical reputation as a loose mix of dialectal and obsolete with common and modern, and the percentage of Türkic admixture into the popular and literary lingo in different historical periods was never published academically. I.G.Dobrodomov  noted that "the Turkic material is represented in it incompletely, particularly in respect to the written sources, which are not sufficiently studied for identification  of Türkisms." (Dobrodomov I.G., Problem of linguistic authenticity of the material in historical research, 4/ 2002 (10), pp. 5-20 ) Judging by the progress already made, the problem is promised a long life even by the historical scale.

E.N.Shipova thoroughly researched the leading Russian philological sources, and in most cases she directly recites them. She also follows the loaded official terminological nomenclature, like invariably calling anti-colonial basmachi rebels as bandits, the Mongolian time "Mongolo-Tatar yoke", etc., and defers to the clearly prejudiced scholars even in the cases which betray elementary illiteracy, challenging their vaguely substantiated verdicts only when they fly in the face of clear evidence from fundamental sources like Codex Cumanicus. Notably, E.N.Shipova did not include in the bibliography such a fundamental source as M.Kashgari, but in a few cases she unobtrusively and indirectly used his evidence to make a point. А number of entries E.N.Shipova just simply hid, using an off-mainstream pronunciation as a main entry, and listing a dictionary pronunciation only in the body of comments. This tactics could have been employed to conceal these words from the editorial censors, while allowing researchers a path to a correct etymology. A few of such cases are noted in blue. We also should pay a tribute to Acad. A.N.Kononov, who was the Editor-in-chief of the publication. There are a few of these cases, the implied entries make numerical comparisons more difficult.

The contents of the dictionary reflects well a situation in the Russian-Türkic etymological literature. Many dictionary entries belong to obsolete concepts, ancient names of clothing, and tools, unused in modern Russian. A selection of most common root words from the 2,000 dictionary word nests, with the majority without synonyms, or with all synonyms of Türkic origin, like “mushmula = kizil”, numbers 520 The list includes words of Mongolian, Iranian, Arabic and other provenance, representing material of religious, legal, household and other contents, classified by the modern researchers as Türkisms in Russian. The words defined by the term "borrowed" are really not borrowed at a personal level like such foreign words as "pizza", but became assimilated native, absorbed into native tongue. These are the words in the lexicon that people do not know a translation of these words to Slavic, they may had equivalents in Slavic, but they are not known.

E.N.Shipova's dictionary unfortunately does not include a rich lexical layer of the oldest loans shared by all, or an overwhelming majority of, the Slavic languages and Türkic prototypes. The existing etymological dictionaries for such words are limited to the search of Indo-European, Persian, and ancient Indian prototypes, regularly ignoring Türkic cognates. Such selective science is conventionally held as falsification. At the same time, some researchers limit the period of probable loans to the Tataro-Mongolian time, a minority recollects the pre-Mongolian Bulgars, and everyone ignores the Khazarian, Avarian, and Hunnic periods, which only before the emigration of Khan Asparuh in the 680es, that opened a Khazarian period, covered the country for 515 years, as stated in the " Nominalia of Bulgarian Khans". Such narrow tunnel vision naturally misses the most interesting pages of the history and lexicon, turning upside down the etymology as a valuable tool of the historical science.

А Reader will immediately notice almost complete absence of Türkic etymological sources. The overwhelming majority of references are given to the researchers who manifestly are not Russo-Türkic bilinguals, who extract their knowledge only from the Russian-lingual publications. However incredible it is, there is not a single bibliographical source in Türkic languages, neither from the Russian nor the Soviet scientists. Try to think of compiling a Russian dictionary without a single Russian source, a Chinese dictionary without a single Chinese source. This handicap alone would severely incapacitate the science, and result in a number of either primitive or wrongful speculations. Practically nowhere in the etymological elucidations the sources refer to the phonetical transitions that govern the spread of the word within Türkic languages, or in transition from Türkic to Slavic. Even when an etymologist suggests a particular source, like Bulgarian or Kipchak, the suggestion is not properly justified, and can't be taken for more then a subjective opinion. The overall result is a parochial compilation of variable quality sources, some of them distinguished with overt bias.

A reason for such vacuum was not an absence of loyal qualified scientists, but an intentional constricting of the sources to exclusively Russian or Russian-hired experts, a policy that originated in the Peter I time, when a slew of foreign scientists was hired into the Russian service to create а dynastic history of the Russian Empire. Since then, and generally continued into today, the dynastic history serves as a substitute for the history of the land and its peoples. A few native philologists, whose works preceded the publication of the dictionary, can be named alphabetically as an example: Ali Rahim, M.I. Ahmetzyanov, N.B. Burganova, F.G. Garipova, R.G. Kuzeeva...

The dictionary nests marked by Roman numerals give a Türkic semantics, and the entries designated by Arabic numerals give Russian variations, not necessary semantically coinciding with their Türkic meanings in the modern Türkic languages, and sometimes they preserve the most ancient Türkic meanings, as for example kura with the meaning "wall". Some words gained an independent life in Russian language, and developed into lexical cluster, as for example tamga => tamga = "tamga", tamojnya = "customs office", rastamajivat = "clear through customs", denga = "coin", dengi = "money"; maka => smekat = "figure out", kumekat = "figure out", nevdomyok = "no clue", makar (takim makarom) = "in this way", etc. The inflectional Slavic easily transforms and moves Türkic loanwords into the words which phonetically are sometimes barely recognizable, like "tamga" - "tamojnya" "rastamajivat"; "maka" - "smekat", "nevdomyok".

By its word stock, Russian language can be divided into Slavic or Turkic-Slavic of the pre-Mongol period, Ancient Russian or rather the Old-Russian of the Mongolian period until the end of the Peter I reign, post-Peter I to the Communist period, and the modern post-Communist period. The official periodization is, of course, quite different terminologically and in substance. The Turko-Slavic is not mentioned at all, instead it is as an Ancient Russian, and both periods are merged into one, dubbed Ancient Russian, though linguistically they are strikingly different. The E. Shipova's Dictionary in many ways is a dictionary of Old Russian of the Mongol period, when upon the ancient layer of the Turkic-Slavic language superimposed the lexical and morphological imprint of the Turkic languages: Bechen-Bosnyak, Oguz, Kipchak, and other languages of the Kipchak Khanate. This language existed until the end of the Peter I reign, when the Old-Russian language began absorbing a flood of lexical material from the European languages. The post-Peter I period is distinguished by speedy Indo-Europeanization of the Russian language, and a gradual loss of both the Turkic-Slavic and Turkic lexicons. The process of Indo-Europeanization accelerated through the Communist and post-Communist period, due to import and substitution of the Slavonicisms with the European technological vocabulary. In all cases, mutual understanding of the languages in the adjacent periods is fairly high, on the dialectal level, but the mutual understanding between languages two periods apart is no more than mutual understanding between related different languages. A large layer of the post-Peter I period lexicon of Turkisms is unknown to the modern reader, and to a lesser extent is unknown the lexical layer that survived to the Communist period.

The idiosyncrasy of Russian language is distinguished by a phenomenon of re-importation, when Russified Türkic lexicon re-enters adjacent Türkic population, supposedly at least partially bi-lingual, to complement or replace the native original words. The cloth iron, arch, yoke (утюг, дуга, хомут) are examples of this obviously non-elite dominated assimilation. The process, that started at around Peter I time, when the status of Türkic languages in Russian dominions crushed, continued during the Imperial period expansion, and especially accelerated in the Soviet period, when education was forcefully switched from native languages to Russian, the native press was decimated, national literacy wiped out, and any carrier advance was preconditioned on mastery of Russian verbal, written, professional, and scientific language. An enormous consequence of that is that the modern dictionaries of the modern North-Western Türkic languages are saturated with Russian borrowings and Rusisms substituting for the native words, which create a phantom of a primitive pidgin vernacular. The philologist E.N.Shipova noted in many instances this unusual phenomenon, which closely tracks the intermittent stages of Russian colonization.

A special feature of the analyses cited by E.N.Shipova, is the loose Iranian attribution: no criteria is used for the Persian language, it is treated as a homogenous dead language. But the alive Persian language passed the stages of old Persian, middle Persian, and modern Persian, the middle Persian was distinguished by many Arabisms and Türkisms, and the modern Persian has included even more Türkisms. 30% of the Persian population are Türkic-speaking (25% Azeri), and over the ages they undoubtedly brought their contribution to the Persian language. Adding here the absence of systemic analysis for distribution and transitions of the Türkic language lexicons, the majority of the Persian attribution looks artificial and biased. The quantity of false etymologies traced to the Persian language is such that it is impossible to miss them, in the majority they are abundantly clear from the text that lists ethnicities that could not in any way have replaced their own words with the Persian.

Elizabeth Shipova must have been born at around 1915, she evacuated to Kazakhstan in 1941 as a junior scientist, and maybe never returned back to Leningrad. She must have retired at the age of 55-60, which suspiciously coincides with the timing of the book publication that made her name and fame. She must have published the book immediately before or after retirement, not concerned any more with the future of her carrier. Certainly, these are only speculations, because a scientist who left such a valuable achievement for her country is personally completely unknown, and if not for thousands of references to her work, would be completely forgotten.

* * *

The English posting is a greatly reduced version of the original. Each word nest is reduced to a definition, leaving out contents of the discussion. For references and discussion please refer to the Russian version. For the original print please refer to PDF image.

So far the Russian version proofreading was sporadic only. In some places with words spelled in conflated Cyrillic/Latin contrivances, or Cyrillic/quasi-Cyrllic (letters concocted for different Türkic languages when people were forbidden to use their traditional alphabets; to further divide the conquered peoples, different weird graphics was invented for the same quasi-Cyrillic letters), was used strictly English spelling: бiт = > bit, and some imbedded Türkish diacritic I replaced with their English equivalents: c-cedil = > ch, s-cedil = > sh, and some imbedded Greek "gammas" with "g". The nasal "n", glottal "k", depicted with various quasi-Cyrllic symbols, were replaced with "ng" and "q" respectively. In most cases this pedantry does not serve any purpose, because the euphonic spectrum is very wide even within smaller dialects, and the suggested spelling can only be a general illustration. Some missing entries, addressed elsewhere in the Dictionary, were added in the proper alphabetical order, showing addition in blue. The brown-highlighted entries are roots of missing nests. As they are added to the body of the dictionary, the brown is converted to blue.

The original forewords are translated to introduce a reader to the Orwellian prose necessary in all Soviet era publications. There is little to learn from them, but it gives a flavor of what kind of a lip service and candy wrapping was required to pass a hurdle of publishing nothing more then a collection of linguistical facts of the country's own and already dominating language. They accentuate promises not to be kept, and hails absurd use in public education of a print limited to 3,500 copies in a country of 250 mln at the time. Anyway, they passed the barrier. To the credit of E.N.Shipova and A.N.Kononov no effort was made to obliterate, deface, or falsify facts. Even the non-sensical repetitions of the official historical terminology past the sweet forewords appear to be outside insertions.

As a side note, one study was produced outside of Russian system: Golden P. В. "Turkic Calques in Mediaeval Eastern Slavic" / Journal of Turkish Studies, 8, Cambridge, MA.

E. N. Shipova


The offered Dictionary of Türkisms is based on the material of Russian and Türkic languages, numerous research about Türkisms by Russian and foreign authors, and it is a first (and so far the last) work in the history of a lexicography in this field.

The dictionary includes about two thousand Türkism words. It discloses the etymology of Türkism words and the history of their arrival in Russian. Is also widely represented the Türkic lexicon included in Russian languagefrom the old Russian written monuments. A significant place is allocated to the oral and colloquial lexicon preserved in Russian dialects and used by writers in works of art, and also in periodicals.

The Dictionary traces the mutual influence of Russian and national (in this case Türkic) languages of the Soviet Union peoples.

The dictionary will be useful to - Türkologist and Slavist linguists, historians, writers, translators, teachers of Russian and national languages, for students of philological faculties.

Editor-in-chief academician A.N.KONONOV
Compiler Shipova Elizaveta Nikolaevna



Authorized for printing by the Academic council of institute of Linguistics of the Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences
Editor J.V.Leonov; Art. Editor A.B.Maltsev, registration of artist I.Z.Urazaeva; techn. editor 3. P.Rorokina; proof-reader T.J.Kazanpikova.
Approved for printing 3/VI 1976. It is passed for printing 29Dec 1976.
Format COXSOVic. A paper № 1. Pech. l. 27, 8. Uch.-izd. l. 27.
Circulation 3500. Order. 84.
Price 1р. 32к.
Kazakh SSR Publishing house "Science". Kazakh SSR printing of publishing house "Science".
Address of publishing and printing house: 480021, Alma-Ata, street. Shevchenko, 28.


The links of the Russian and Türkic languages is documented by the history from the time immemorial. (i.e. ca 900 AD, in other societies called mid of Middle Ages)

The development of Russko-Türkic linguistic connections has a number of historical periods. The most ancient is the period covering the first centuries of our era, before formation of the Kyiv Rus. From the 6th-7th centuries the Slavs enter the trading interrelations with Türkic Avars, and later with Khazars, Volga/Itil Bulgars, and other Türkic tribes, and also with Finno-Ugrians and Iranians. (When Türks trade Slavic slaves to Greece, or send them into battles, or drive them from Poland to Balkans and Greece, or harness them into the carts, we call it trade relations. Not that the trade was not there. It was. And much more.)

The connection that anciently arose between Russian (i.e. Slavs, the Ruses came about 3 centuries later, and the Russians 11 centuries later) and Türkic peoples, their close contact with territorial proximity and vital necessity to support trade and mutual economic relations, demanded from the peoples, carriers of these languages, a practical knowledge of languages of their neighbors. In this connection appeared the first tolmachi-translators. (Then a minor time jump of 5 centuries) "Frequent trips trips of Rus Princes to the Horde, dialogue with the representatives of the Horde brought to life the appearance of the first translators - tolmachej (Türkic. tyl, til language)" 1. (Not exactly, the Horde language was Mongolian, not Türkic, so the tolmachies were Türkic/Mongolian, not the Slav/Mongolian. Secondly, the Rus princes were Slavic-Türkic bilingual, because half of their family was Türko-Slav, and the other half Türkic. Moreover, the mom's father had a privilege of growing and teaching his grandsons, so the princes grew in the Türkic environment.)

During the Kyiv Rus time (from 10th-12th centuries), usually called in the literature a period of pre-Mongolo-Tatar invasion, the mutual relations of the Ruses with the Oguz and Kypchak (Russ. Polovetses) tribes especially enlivened. The remarkable monument of Rus literature "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" belongs to that time, it preserved many Kipchak words. (A daring equating at the time, Polovets = Kypchak. Everybody knows it, nobody dares to say it. Bravo to Dr. P. K.Kenesblev)

For the 12th-15tth centuries known in the history of Russia as a gloomy period of Mongolo-Tatar invasion, is typical a penetration of a of Türkic words into Russian. (Funny, the symbiotic co-existence of the Bulgar, Khazar, Bajanak, and Kypchak periods supposedly did not bring a multitude of borrowings, but a segregated and non-symbiotic relationship with the damned occupiers did. Go figure.)

1 Kononov A. N. History of study Türkic languages in Russia. Leningrad, 1972, p. 16.

The interosculation of Russian and Türkic lexicon especially increased during annexation to Russia of the Kazan, Astrakhan and Crimean Khanates. (Reference to mass defection to the Russian side of the Türkic nobles, their retinues, their subjects before and during the campaigns, and mass relocation of the Türkic population from the conquered territories. Middle Age human engineering with linguistic aftermath.)

After the Great October Socialist Revolution, with an establishment of equal rights relations between peoples of all Soviet Union, with the communion of the Türkic peoples with the Russian and international culture, due to the close contact of the peoples, carriers of the languages, with a special force developed interosculation and mutual lexical enrichment of the languages with different systems. As notes Yu.D.Desheriev, "the specific features of phonetic structures of different types of syllables and words, found in the borrowed lexicon, will integrate "organically" with the sound system of the majority of literary languages" 2. (In Yu.D.Desheriev's opinion, the more Russified his Nakh language is, the better.)

The researchers of the Russian lexicon noted in it loans from different languages: ancient Greek and Latin, Finno-Ugrian, Mongolian, Türkic, Iranian, West-European. A visible role in the enrichment of the Russian lexicon also play the Türkic languages. (In fact, in the last 300 years the proportion of Türkic lexem in Russian dropped probably in half, from, say, 30% to 15%, while the Russian opening to the west introduced massive borrowing first from Dutch, then from French, and then from German, then from international social lingo, and lastly from English, including on this page "link" and "posting".)

In the early scientific works of Türkologists and Slavists - researchers of Türkisms in Russian, usually were counted as Türkism the words of native Türkic origin. And the phonetic attribute for attribution of Türkisms was first of all considered synharmonism, i.e. the presence in the word of either only soft, or only hard syllables (for example, daraga, kerekmet, haralug), and also a change of a root vowel a/o, a(о)u (for example, boran/buran, saltan/sultan, koima/kaima, korsak/karsak, etc.).

N.K.Dmitriev counts all words borrowed by Russian from Türkic to be Türkisms, irrespective of their origin in the Türkic languages.

"Among the Türkisms naturally are distinguished, - writes N.K.Dmitriev, - the words actually Türkic and the words disguised.... All these moments are strictly discriminated in the Türkological studies. However in the studies in Türko-Slavica area such classification is considered to be excessive, because as all Türkisms of the Russian lexicon, whatever was their previous history, came to Russian by the nearest path from the Türkic languages". 3

2 Desheriev Yu. D. Laws of development and interaction of languages in the Soviet society. Moscow, "Science", 1966, p. 375.
3 Dmitriev N. K. Türkic elements of Russian lexicon. - In "Lexicographic collection", issue 3. Moscow, 1958, p. 5, 8, 11. See also Arakin V. D. Türkic lexical elements in monuments of Russian language of the Mongolian period. - In "Türkisms in eastern Slavic languages". Moscow, "Science", 1974, p. 112, 113.

Thus, the Mongolian, Iranian, Arabian and other words, representing material of religious, legal, household and other contents, that are included in the Russian mainly from the Türkic languages, are classified by modern researchers as Türkisms. The author of this Dictionary of Türkisms also follows this rule.

A significant difficulty represents a localization of Türkism loanwords in Russian , i.e. attribution of this or that word to a specific language. Because of typological affinity of Türkic languages, of the similarity of their traits, it is not always possible. Therefore the author presents the linguistic material qualifying this or that word as a Türkism, but not always dares to attribute it to a specific language, allowing that only then when the opinions of many researchers on a given question converge, or in case of obvious loan from a specific language.

Any lexical loan, irrespective from what sources it comes, is a testament of a live contact between differently structured languages. A factor of intralinguistical character is demonstrated by phonetics, grammar, and, especially frequently, in the lexicon and semantics of borrowing language.

E.N.Shipova, the author of the Dictionary of Türkisms, uses all possible and accessible to her sources, staring with the monuments of the old Rus literature, and the data recorded in the literature, and also the oral sources, including regional speech and informal language.

Thus, she registered a prevailing majority of the Türkic words present in the dialects of the Russian (mainly in the eastern Russian). And precisely the dialectal lexicon absorbed and preserved till our time the greatest quantity of Türkic words. (Classification of common Slavic words with Türkic correspondences would greatly increase the number of Türkisms, and may affect that ratio.)

The dictionary contains about two thousand Türkisms in Russian, of them only a small part are archaisms, a greater part belongs to the lexicon of the modern Russian. (What may have been true in the 1960es, when the majority of the country population lived in the countryside, may not apply today, when the majority lives in the cities, and have extremely limited floral and faunal lexicon. The selection of 520 "used" words purposely excluded this rich inheritance. The terms keep living, but only as a professional lexicon.)

Türkism loanwords which have not been described for some reasons in the lexicographic literature, and also the words earlier not attributed to Türkisms are included in the Dictionary of Türkisms, for example, "артачиться/artachitsya" to jib, "вада/vada" water, "влага/vlaga" moisture, "утельный/utelnyi" miniscule, "щи/shchi" vegetable soup, "ящик/yaschik" box and others. Pointed out inaccurate etymology of some words. On some Türkisms, with the etymology of which the author disagrees, she states her point of view, supporting it with concrete linguistic materials, in a number of cases using a hypothesis method. (If a recognition of "вада/vada" water, "влага/vlaga" moisture is conceded, as it should be, then a whole new class of Türkisms will have to be recognized, see юрок/yürok, with far-reaching consequences as to the timing and the source of this class of borrowings. That would be equivalent to a recognition that Slavs are Türkified Balts.)

Value of the offered Dictionary consist first of all that the author, being a lexicographer scientist, aimed not only to include all Türkisms, documented in dictionary sources and in the works of individual authors, but also to examine their etymology as far as possible.

It should be reminded that compiling a Dictionary of Türkisms was included into the research plans of the Türkism-Slavist and Türkologists scholars from the second half of the 19 century, and it was declared by a priority, but till now this work has not been carried out.

Academician of KazSSR Academy of Sciences P. K.KENESBLEV


Türkic lexicon constitutes one of the layers in the borrowed lexicon of Russian language. The significant amount of the Türkic words, Türkisms, has come in different historical periods in Russian. The Türkisms included in Russian were acquired in various ways, by literary or oral way, through informal conversation. As a result of live dialogue of Russian and Türkic peoples they not seldom were exposed to the influence of Russian phonetics, were reformed according to the norms of Russian pronunciation, or received another etymological interpretation.

Türkic loans preserved in Russian dialects and Russian folk speech are of a great interest for researcher. Some part of them requires etymological clarification.

Initially, the author intended to cover all categories in the Türkic layer of Russian lexicon from the materials of lexicographical sources as much as possible. However, in the process of work on the Dictionary, its framework considerably expanded with the use of new materials, including various works, collections, articles and separate statements dating from after the beginning of the 20th century. And now it can be classified as an etymological dictionary of Türkisms.

The Dictionary work used "Dictionary of alive Great Russian language" by V.I.Dalh; "Materials for old Russian dictionary" by I.I.Sreznevsky; "Dictionary of Russian folk speach" edition of acad. F.P.Filin; all academic dictionaries, including a 17-volume Encyclopedic dictionary of Russian literary language; Encyclopedic dictionary edition of D.N.Ushakov, and earlier dictionaries of Russian (see Bibliography), and also Etymological dictionaries of N.V.Goryaeva A.Preobrajensky, F.Mikloshich, M.Vasmer.

The sources to confirm Türkic etymology included "Probing of the dictionary of Türkic vernaculars" (Die Sprachen der nördlichen türkischen Stämme) by W.W.Radlov, and a bilingual Türko-Russian and Russo-Türkic dictionary.

The work used most widely N.K.Dmitriev's "Türkic elements of the Russian lexicon", and also the works of F.E.Korsh, P.M.Melioransky, W.W.Bartold, S.E.Malov, A.N.Kononov and others, articles and research written during different time by experts on Türkisms (N.A.Baskakov, V.D.Arakin, I.G.Dobrodomov, D.S.Setarov and others).

N.K.Dmitriev provides etymology for 363 words, in this Dictionary of Türkisms offered by us are about two thousand words. The selection of Türkisms was determined not only by encyclopedic and etymological dictionaries of Russian (Dmitriev used Ushakov dictionary), but first of all a regional and colloquial lexicon, which comprises not less then 60 % of the Dictionary.

A Dictionary entry is formed as follows.

The register words are listed in alphabetical order. For each word is given a grammatical characteristics, i.e. the gender, form (pl., sing.) for nouns; for the verbs, adjectives, adverbs, interjections is identified grammatical function (verb, adj., adv., interject.), then follow stylistic notations (old., obs., folk-poet., loc, etc.). In most cases they are explained, i.e. in brackets is identified a dialect, vernacular, distribution, meaning.

Then is cited etymology from the dictionaries where it is a given, and in some cases - a time information about Türkism encountered in Russian (Slavic, Rus, Russian) literature.

It should be noted that dictionaries not always meet the requirements of disclosing the etymology, therefore we used etymological works and various studies (including separate articles) of Türkisms. The statements of the author are supported with materials from of Radlov Dictionary. Incomplete information on Türkic languages of that dictionary is complemented with data from bilingual dictionaries.

The entry closes with a conclusion in a form of a statement of this or that researcher, or a remark by the author confirming the Türkic etymology of the examined word with a reference to the data from Türkic language dictionaries. In a number of cases the author gives his etymology, supporting it with Türkic linguistic material.

The Dictionary includs words examined as Türkisms for the first time, for example, "алап/alap" wetlands, "алъник/alnik" decorative forehead band, "андарак/andarak" underskirt, "артачиться/artachitsya" to jib, "влага/vlaga" moisture, "вада/vada" water, "волглый/volglyi" moist, "гарман/garman" horse-driven mechanical thrashing, "ёкаться/yokatsya" keep saying "No"," зажор/zajor" under snow water puddle, "иловый/ilovyi" from oats, "шурга/shurga" snowstorm, "щи/shchi" vegetable soup, "ящик/yaschik" box, and others, together with also well-known in the literature words without Russian equivalents, but not included in the dictionaries of the Russian language - "айтыс/aitys" sport or musical competition, "байга/baiga" horserace, "джида/djida" a type of berry, "див/div" divine, "достакан/dostakan" a type of drinking glass, "достархан/dostarkhan" serving of dessert sweets, "дутар/dutar" two-string gitar, "курабъе/kurabie" a type of sugar pastry, "люля-кебаб/lulya-kebab", etc.

Examples of entries:

[Follow examples, not translated]


Абаев, 1973 - Абаев В. И. Историко-этимологический словарь осетинского языка. Т. 1. М.-Leningrad, 1958; Т. 2. Leningrad, 1973.
Аз.-рус. сл., 1941 - Азербайджанско-русский словарь. Баку, 1941., Алексеев, 1773 - Алексеев. Церковный словарь, б. м., 1773.
Алексеев, 1776 - Алексеев. Дополнение к церковному словарю, б. м., 1776.
Бартольд, 1963-1971 - Бартольд В. В. Сочинения. Moscow, 1963-1971.
Башк.-рус. сл., 1958 - Башкирско-русский словарь. Moscow, 1958.
Бегалиев, 1942 - Бегалиев Г. Казахско-русский словарь. Алма-Ата, 1942.
Берг, 1949 - Берг Л. С. Рыбы пресных вод. Изд. 4-е. Т. 1-3. Moscow, 1949.
Березин, 1852 - Березин М. Словарь. Спб., 1852.
Берында, 1627 - Берьшда П. Лексикон. Киев, 1627.
Богораз, 1901 - Богораз Б. Областной словарь колымского русского наречия. Сборник ОРЯС. Т. 68, № 4. Спб., 1901.
Богородицкий, 1935 - Богородицкий В. А. Общий курс русской грамматики. М.-Leningrad, 1935.
Богородицкий, 1953 - Богородицкий В. А. Введение в татарское языкознание в связи с другими тюркскими языками. Изд. 2-е. Казань, 1953.
Боровков, 1963 - Боровков А. К. Лексика среднеазиатского тефсира 12-13 вв. Moscow, 1963.
БСЭ - Большая советская энциклопедия. Изд. 2-е. Т. 1-51. Moscow, 1950- 1959.
Будагов - Будагов Л. Сравнительный словарь турецко-татарских наречий. Т. 1, 1869; т. 2. Спб., 1876.
Булаховский, 1949 - Булаховский Л. А. Курс русского литературного языка. Изд. 4-е. Киев, 1949.
Булаховский, 1950 - Булаховский Л. А. Исторический комментарий к русскому литературному языку. Изд. 3-е. Киев, "Радяньека школа", 1950.
Булаховский, 1953 - Булаховский Л. А. Введение в языкознание. Ч. П.
Moscow, 1953. Варбот, 1963 - Варбот Ж. Ж. Славянское vad - приучать; привычка, приучение. - В кн.: Этимология. Moscow, 1963, с. 213-216.
Вейсманн, 1731 - Вейсманн И. Немецко-латинский и русский лексикон. Спб., 1731.

Владимирцов, 1934 - Владимирцов Б. Я. Общественный строй монголов. Leningrad, 1934.
Воробьев, 1930 - Воробьев Н. И. Материальная культура казанских татар. Казань, 1930.
Всерос. словотолк., 1893 - Всероссийский словотолкователь.Спб., 1893.
Галкина-Федорук, 1954 - Галкина-Федорук Е. М. Современный русский язык. Лексика. Moscow, 1954.
Гейм, 1799, 1801, 1802 - Гейм И. Новый российско-французско-немецкий словарь. Ч. 1-3. Moscow, 1799-1802.
Герд и др., 1963 - Герд А. С, Корнев А. И., Рускова М. П. Русские названия рыб. - В кн.: Очерки по лексикологии и лексикографии, ЛГУ, 1963.
Гордлевский, 1961 - Гордлевский В. А. Что такое босый волк? Избранные сочинения. Т. 2. Moscow, 1961, с. 482-504.
Горяев, Доп. 1 - Горяев Н. В. Сравнительный этимологический словарь русского языка. Тифлис, 1869; Дополнения и поправки. Тифлис, 1901.
Горяев, Доп. 2 - Горяев Н. В. Этимологические объяснения наиболее трудных и загадочных слов в русском языке. К сравнительному этимологическому словарю русского языка. Новые дополнения и поправки. Тифлис, 1905.
Даль - Даль В. И. Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка. Т. 1-4. Moscow, 1955.
Дмитриев, 1948 - Дмитриев Н. К. Тюркские элементы в русском языке. - "Труды Ин-та рус. языка АН СССР", 1948, т. 1.
Дмитриев, 1958 - Дмитриев Н. К. О тюркских элементах русского словаря.- В кн.: Лексикографический сборник. Вып. 3. Moscow, 1958.
Добродомов, 1966 - Добродомов И. Г. История лексики тюркского происхождения в древнерусском языке. Moscow, 1966.
Добродомов, 1971 - Добродомов И. Г. Из истории восточноевропейских культурных терминов. - В кн.: Вопросы рус. и чуваш, филологии. Вып. 1. Чебоксары, 1971.
Добродомов, 1972 - Добродомов И. Г. Мазар. - "Русская речь", 1972, № 2, с. 159-160.
Доп., 1852, 1858 - Дополнения к Опыту областного словаря Академии
наук. Спб., 1852, 1858. Дювернуа, 1894 - Дювернуа А. Материалы для словаря древнерусского языка. Moscow, 1894.
Егоров, 1964 •- Егоров В. Г. Этимологический словарь чувашского языка. Чебоксары, 1964.
ЖСт - Живая старина (периодическое издание Отделения этнографии Русского географического общества). Т. 1-25. Спб., 1887-1920.
Жубанов, 1966 - Жубанов X. Исследования по казахскому языку. Алма-Ата, 1966.

ЗВОРАО - Записки Восточного Отделения Русского археологического Общества. Т. 1-25. Спб., 1887-1920.
Зеленин, 1906 - Зеленин Д. К. О говоре оренбургских казаков.- РФВ, 1906, т. 56, № 3-4.
Зеленин, 1929-1930 - Зеленин Д. К. Табу слов у народов Восточной Европы и Северной Азии. Ч. 1-2. - В кн.: Сборник Музея антропологии и этнографии. Т. 8-9. Leningrad, 1929-1930.
ИОРЯС - Известия Отделения русского языка и словесности Академии наук. Спб., 1896-1927.
Ист. разв. леке. тюрк. яз., 1961 - Историческое развитие лексики тюркских языков. Moscow, Изд-во АН СССР, 1961.
Цаз. т1л. диал. еез, 1969 - Цазак, тшнщ диалектологияльщ евздш. Алматы, 1969.
Каз.-рус. сл., 1954 - Махмудов X., Мусабаев Г. Казахско-русский словарь. Алма-Ата, 1954.
Кк.-рус. сл., 1958 - Каракалпакско-русский словарь. Moscow, 1958.
Кенесбаев, 1965 - Кенесбаев С. К. Прогрессивное влияние русского языка на казахский. Алма-Ата, 1965.
Колесников, 1962-Колесников Н. П. К этимологии слова "карандаш".- В кн.: Лексикографический сборник. Вып. 5. Moscow, 1962.
Коми-рус, сл., 1961 - Коми-русский словарь. Moscow, 1961.
Кононов, 1958 - Кононов А. Н. Родословная туркмен. М.-Leningrad, 1958.
Кононов, 1966 - Кононов А. Н. Заметки (I) тюрколога на полях "Словаря русских народных говоров". - "Известия АН СССР", 1966, т. 25, вып. 3.
Кононов, 1969 - Кононов А. Н. Заметки (II) тюрколога на полях "Словаря русских народных говоров". - "Известия АН СССР", 1969, т. 28, вып. 6.
Кононов, 1972 - Кононов А. Н. История изучения тюркских языков в России. Leningrad, 1972.
Кононов, 1972а - Кононов А. Н. От чайки до шайки.-"Русская речь", 1972, № 2, с. 153, 154.
Корш, 1903 - Корш Ф. Е. Турецкие элементы в языке "Слова о полку Игореве". - ИОРЯС, 1903, т. 8, кн. 4.
Корш, 1904 - Корш Ф. Е. О некоторых славянских словах иноязычного происхождения. - Сб. статей по славянознанию. Харьков, 1904.
Корш, 1906 - Корш Ф. Е. По поводу второй статьи проф. Мелиоранско-го о турецких элементах в языке "Слова о полку Игореве". - ИОРЯС, 1906, т. 11, кн. 1.
Корш, 1909 - Корш Ф. Е. Слово "балдак" и долгота гласных в турецких языках. - ЖСт, вып. 1-3. Спб., 1909, с. 156-161.
Корш, 1909а - Корш Ф. Е. "Слово о полку Игореве". - В кн.: Исследования по русскому языку. Т. 2, No 6. Спб., 1909.
Кызласов, 1966 - Кызласов Л. Р. О значении термина "балбал" древне-тюркских надписей. - В кн.: Тюркологический сборник к 60-летию А. Н. Кононову. Moscow, 1966, с. 207.
Ларин, 1963 - Ларин Б. А. Об архаике в семантической структуре слова.- В кн.: Очерки по лексикологии и лексикографии. ЛГУ, 1963.

Леке., 1762 - Лексикон российский и французский, в котором находятся почти все слова российского алфавита. Ч. 1-2. Спб., 1762.
Магазаник, 1945 - Магазаник Д. А. Турецко-русский словарь. Изд. 2-е. Moscow, 1945.
Малов, 1946 - Малов С. Е. Тюркизмы в языке "Слова о полку Игореве". - "Известия АН СССР. Отд. лит. и яз.", 1946, т. 5, вып. 3. Махмутов, 1963 - Махмутов А. Архаизмы в казахском языке (с приложением словаря). Дис. на соиск. учен, степени канд. филол. наук. Алма-Ата, 1963 (на каз. яз.). Мейер, 1876 - Мейер Г. И. Заметка о чужих словах в русском языке. -
"Филологические записки", 1876, вып. 5. Мелиоранский, 1902 - Мелиоранский П. М. Турецкие элементы в языке
"Слова о полку Игореве". - ИОРЯС, 1902, т. 7, кн. 2. Мелиоранский, 1905а - Мелиоранский П. М. Вторая статья о турецких элементах в языке "Слова о полку Игореве" (ответ Коршу). - ИОРЯС, 1905, т. 10, кн. 2.
Мелиоранский, 19056 - Мелиоранский П. М. Заимствованные восточные слова в памятниках русской письменности до монгольского време ни. - ИОРЯС, 1905, т. 10, кн. 4.
Миллер, 1872 - Миллер Б. Ф. Экскурсы в область русского народного эпоса. Спб., 1872.
Миртов, 1941 - Миртов А. В. Лексические заимствования в современном русском языке из национальных языков Средней Азии. Ташкент-Самарканд, 1941.
Младенов, 1941 - Младенов С. Етимологически и правописен речник на българския книжовен език. София, 1941.
Монг.-рус. сл., 1957 - Монгольско-русский словарь. Moscow, 1957.
Мукминова, 1969 - Мукминова Р. Г. Несколько слов о терминах чтамгаь и кбадж". - "Общественные науки в Узбекистане", 1969, № 11.
Михельсон, 1866 - Михельсон А. Д. Словарь. Moscow, 1866.
Мусабаев, 1959 - Мусабаев Г. Г. Современный казахский язык. Т. 1. Лексика. Алма-Ата, 1959.
Немет, 1963 - Немет Ю. Специальные вопросы тюркского языкознания в Венгрии. - "Вопросы языкознания", 1963, № 6.
Немет, 1966 - Немет Ю. Происхождение русского слова "карандаш". - Тюркологический сборник к 60-летию А. Н. Кононова. Moscow, 1966.
Нов. Энц. Сл. - Новый энциклопедический словарь. Изд. Ф. Брокгауз и И. Ефрон. Т. 1-29. Спб., 1908 и сл.
Нордстет, 1780, 1782 - Нордстет И. Российский с немецким и французским переводом словарь, сочиненный Иваном Нордстетом. Ч. I-Ш. Спб., 1780-1782.
Огиенко, 1915 - Огиенко И. И. Иноземные элементы в русском языке. Киев, 1915.

Одинцов, 1971 - Одинцов Г. Ф. Два ногайских заимствования в современном русском языке. - В кн.: Этимология. Moscow, 1971.
Одинцов, 1972 - Одинцов Г. Ф. Еще раз к этимологии слова "лошадь".- В кн.: Этимология. Moscow, 1972.
Одинцов, 1972а - Одинцов Г. Ф. Аргамак. - "Русская речь", 1972, № 2, с. 156-158.
Опыт, 1852 - Опыт областного словаря Академии наук. Спб., 1852.
Откупщиков, 1963 - Откупщиков Ю. В. Об этимологии русских слов. Тюркское ли заимствование слово "штаны"? - В кн.: Этимологические исследования по русскому языку. Moscow, МГУ, 1963, вып. 4, с. 103-110.
Петров, 1965 - Петров П. И. К вопросу о термине "кабала". - "Народы Азии и Африки", 1965, № 1.
Письма и бумаги императора Петра Великого. Т. 1-9. Спб., 1887- 1952.
Поликарпов, 1704 - Поликарпов Ф. Лексикон треязычный, сиречь речений славянских, еллиногреческих и латинских сокровище. Moscow, 1704.
Попов, 1972 - Попов А. И. П. М. Мелиоранский и изучение тюркизмов в русском языке. - В кн.: Тюркологический сборник. Moscow, 1972.
Преображенский, 1949 - Преображенский А. Этимологический словарь, русского языка. Вып. 1-14. Спб., 1910-1918. Выпуск последний (тело - ящур). - "Труды Ин-та рус. языка АН СССР", 1949, т. 1.
Радлов - Радлов В. В. Опыт словаря тюркских наречий. Т. 1-4. Спб., 1893-1911.
Cod. Cum. - Радлов В. В. Кодекс комманикус. Спб., 1877.
Рос. родосл., 1857 - Российская родословная книга. Ч. 4. Спб., 1857. Рос. Цел., 1771 - Российский Целлариус, или этимологический российский лексикон, изданный Ф. Гелтергофом. Moscow, 1771.
Рус.-аз. сл., 1951 - Русско-азербайджанский словарь. Moscow, 1951. Рус.-башк. сл., 1964 - Русско-башкирский словарь. Moscow, 1964. Рус.-кабард. сл., 1955 - Русско-кабардино-черкесский словарь. Moscow, 1955. Рус.-каз. сл., 1954 - Русско-казахский словарь. Moscow, 1954. Рус.-калм. сл., 1963 - Русско-калмыцкий словарь. Элиста, 1963. Рус.-кк. сл., 1962 - Русско-каракалпакскжй словарь. Moscow, 1962. Рус.-кирг. сл., 1957 - Русско-киргизский словарь. Moscow, 1957. Рус.-кум. сл., 1960 - Русско-кумыкский словарь. Moscow, 1960. Рус.-ног. сл., 1956 - Русско-ногайский словарь. Moscow, 1956. Рус.-тат. сл., 1955-1959 - Русско-татарский словарь. Т. 1-4. Казань, 1955-1959.
Руе.-тув. сл., 1954 - Русско-тувинский словарь. Moscow, 1954.
Рус.-туркм. сл., 1956 - Русско-туркменский словарь. Moscow, 1956.
Рус.-узб. сл., 1954 - Русско-узбекский словарь. Ташкент, 1954.
Рус.-чув. сл., 1951 - Русско-чувашский словарь. Moscow, 1951.
РФВ - Русский филологический вестник. Т. 1-78, 1879-1918.

Сетаров, 1970 - Сетаров Д. С. Тюркизмы в русских названиях грызунов. - В кн.: Вопросы теории и методики русского языка и литературы. Вып. 20. Самарканд - Карши, 1970.
Сетаров, 1970а - Сетаров Д. С. Тюркизмы в русских названиях птиц. - "Советская тюркология", 1970, № 2.
Сетаров, 19706 - Сетаров Д. С. Тюркизмы в русских названиях рыб. - В кн.: Вопросы теории и методики русского языка и литературы. Вып. 20. Самарканд-Карши, 1970.
Сетаров, 1971 - Сетаров Д. С. Тюркизмы в русских названиях животного мира. Автореф. на соиск. учен, степени канд. филол. наук. Алма-Ата, 1971.
Сл. Акад., 1789-1794 - Словарь Академии Российской. В 6 ч. Спб., 1789-1794.
С л. Акад., 1806-1822 - Словарь Академии Российской по азбучному порядку расположенный. В 6 ч. Спб., 1806-1822.
Сл. Акад., 1847 - Словарь церковно-славянского и русского языка, составленный Вторым отделением Академии наук. В 4 т. Спб., 1847.
Сл. ин. слов - Словарь иностранных слов. Moscow, 1937, 1942, 1949, 1964.
СРНГ - Словарь русских народных говоров. Под ред. Ф. П. Филина. Вып. 1-10. Moscow, 1965-1974.
Сл. Акад., 1950-1965 - Словарь современного русского литературного языка Академии наук СССР. Т. 1-17. М.-Leningrad, 1950-1965.
Смирнов, 1912 - Смирнов В. Д. К объяснению значения слова "кандалы". - ЗВОРАО. Спб., 1912, т. 21, вып. 1.
Соболевский, 1891 - Соболевский А. И. Русские заимствованные слова. Спб., 1891.
Соболевский, 1904 - Соболевский А. И. Из истории заимствованных слов и переводных повестей. - "Университетские известия". Киев, 1904.
Соболевский, 1907 - Соболевский А. И. Лекции по истории русского язы ка. Изд. 3-е. Moscow, 1903; Изд. 4-е, 1907.
Соколов, 1834 - Соколов П. Общий церковно-елавяно-русский словарь, или собрание речений. Ч. 1-2. Спб., 1834.
Срезневский -- Срезневский И. И. Материалы для словаря древнерусского языка. Т. 1-3. Спб., 1893-1912.
Тат.-рус. сл., 1950 - Татарско-русский словарь. Казань, 1950.
Татищев, 1793 - Татищев В. Н. Лексикон российский, исторический, географический, политический и гражданский. Ч. 1-3. Спб., 1793.
Тихонов, 1965 - Тихонов Д. И. Значение терминов "тутук" и "кадаш".- "Народы Азии и Африки", 1965, № 5.
Толль, 1863 - Толль Ф. Настольный словарь для справок по всем отраслям знания. Спб., 1863, 1864.
Трубачев, 1959 - Трубачев О. Н. История славянских терминов родства и некоторых древдшйпшх терминов общественного строя. Moscow, 1959.
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Mi. EW - Miklosieh F. Etymologisches Worterbuch der slavischen Sprachen. Wien, 1886.
Mi# FW - Miklosich F. Die Fremdworter in den slavischen Sprachen-
DWA, Bd. 15. Wien, 1867.
Mi. TEL - Miklosich F. Die turkischen Elemente in den Südost-und osteuropaischen Sprachen, Bd. 1-2, - DWA, N 34 (1884), N 35 (1885), N 38 (1890). Wien.
Minorski P. F. "Tapqur/tabur" - Acta Orientalia Hemiaricae, t. 12, N 1-3, s. 27-31. 2-84

SFOugr - Memoires de la Societe Fenno-Ougrienne. Helsingbors, 1890 и сл.
Nemeth J. tlber der Ursprung des Wortes saman und einige Bemerkungen zur türkisch-Mongolischen Lautgeschichte-KSz, Bd. 14, s. 240-249. Budapest, 1914.
Nfljmeth J. Die Herkunft des Ungarischen Wortes tabor-Acta Ling. Hung., 5, s. 224. Budapest, 1955.
Nemeth J. Wanderungen des Mongolischen Wortes nokür "Genosse" - Acta orient. Hung., 3, s. 1-2. Budapest, 1953.
Paasonen H. "Ober die ttirkischen Lehnworter im Ostjakischen.- FUF, Bd. 2, Helsingfors, 1902.
Ramstedt G. J. Kalmükisehes Worterbuch. Helsinki, 1935.
Rasanen, Tsch. LW - Rasanen M. Die Tschuwassischen Lehnworter im Tscheremissischen - MSFOurg., N 48. Helsingfors, 1920.
Rasanen M. Türkisehe Lehnworter in den permischen Sprachen und im Tscheremissisehen-FUF, Bd. 23, s. 103-107. Helsingfors, 1935.
SWA - Sitzungsberichte der Wiener Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philos-hist. Klasse.
Toivonen, Etym. San - Toivonen I. H. Suomen kielen etymologinen sanakirja, - Le11ca Societatis Fenno--Ugricae, Bd. 12, N 1. Helsinki, 1955.
UAJb - Ural-aitaisehe Jahrbücher (Wiesbaden). UJb - Ungarische Jahrbücher (Berlin).
Vambery H. Etymologisches Worterbuch der turko-Tatarischen Sprachen. Leipzig, 1878.
Zajaczkowski A. Zwazki jezykowe polowiecko-slowianskie. Wroclaw, 1949,
Zfs - Zeitschrift fur slavistik (Berlin).
ZfslPh - Zeitschrift fur slavische Philologie (Leipzig).

(languages and dialects)


абак. - абаканский
авар. - аварский
авест. - авестийский
адыг. - адыгейский
аз. - азербайджанский
азов. - азовский
акм. - акмолинский
аксу - аксуйский
алб. - албанский
алмаатин. - алмаатинский
алт. - алтайский
ар. - арабский
арал. - аральский
арм. - армянский
арханг. - архангельский
астрах. - астраханский
ат. - аттический
байкал. - байкальский
бараб. - барабинский
барнаул. - барнаульский
башк. - башкирский
бел. - белорусский
болг. - болгарский
валд. - валдайский
венг. - венгерский
влад. - владимирский
в.-луж. - верхне-лужицкий
в.-нем. - верхне-немецкий
волж. - волжский
волог. - вологодский
ворон. - воронежский
вост. - восточный
вят. - вятский


гол. - голландский
греч. - греческий
груз. - грузинский
далм. - далматский
двин. - двинский
джаг. - джагатайский
дон. - донской
др.-инд. - древнеиндийский
др.-польск. - древнепольский
др.-рус. - древнерусский
др.-сканд. - древнескандинавский
евр. - еврейский
енис. - енисейский
забайкал. - забайкальский
зап. - западный
ир. - иранский
ирк. - иркутский
иртыш. - иртышский
иссык-кульск.- иссык-кульский
ит. - итальянский
каз. - казахский
казан. - казанский
калм. - калмыцкий
калуж. - калужский
карач. - карачаевский
кар. л. - караимский луцкий
кар. т. - караимский трокайский
касп. - каспийский
кач. - качинский
кашуб. - кашубинский
кемер. - кемеровский
кирг. - киргизский
киров. - кировский
кит. - китайский
кк. - каракалпакский
койб. - койбальский
коканд. - кокандский
колым. - колымский
ком. - команский (куманский)
костр. - костромской
крым. - крымский
крым.-тат - крымско-татарский
кубан. - кубанский
кум. - куманский
кумд. - кумандинский
курск. - курский
кыз. - кызыльский
кыпч. - кыпчакский
кюэр. - кюэрикский
лат. - латинский
леб. - лебединский
ленингр. - ленинградский
лит. - литовский
мад. - мадьярский
маньч. - маньчжурский
мар. - марийский
миш. - мишерский
монг. - монгольский
морд. - мордовский
моск. - московский
нем. - немецкий
ниж. - нижегородский
н.-греч. - новогреческий
новг. - новгородский
новорос. - новороссийский
ног. - ногайский
ойрот. - ойротский
олон. - олонецкий
омск. - омский
оренб. - оренбургский
орл. - орловский
осет. - осетинский
осм. - османский
ост. - остяцкий
пенз. - пензенский
перм. - пермский


перс. - персидский
печор. - печорский
поволж. - поволжский
польск. - польский
прииртыш. - прииртышский
пск. - псковский
рост. - ростовский
рум. - румынский
рус. - русский
ряз. - рязанский
саг. - сагайский
самар. - самарский
санскр. - санскритский
cap. - саратовский
саян. - саянский
свердл. - свердловский
сев. - северный
сев.-тюрк. - северо-тюркский
семипал. - семипалатинский
семиреч. - семиреченский
серб. - сербский
сиб. - сибирский
сиб.-казач. - сибирско-казачий
симб. - симбирский
слав. - славянский
словин. - словинский
смол. - смоленский
ср.-греч. - среднегреческий
ср.-лат. - среднелатинский
ср.-монг. - среднемонгольский
ср.-рус. - среднерусский
ставр. - ставропольский
ст.-слав. - старославянский
тавр. - таврический
тадж. - таджикский
тамб. - тамбовский
тар. - таранчинский
тара - тара
тат. - татарский
твер. - тверской
тел. - телеутский
тер. - терский
тиб. - тибетский


тифл. - тифлисский
тоб. - тобольский
том. - томский
тув. - тувинский
тул. - тульский
турал. - туралинский
тур. - турецкий
туркм. - туркменский
турф. - турфанский
тюм. - тюменский
тюрк. - тюркский
тяньш. - тань-шаньский
удм. - удмуртский
узб. - узбекский
уйг. - уйгурский
укр. - украинский
урал. - уральский
урал.-казач. - уральско-казачий
уфим. - уфимский
фин. - финский
франц. - французский
хак. - хакасский
хами - хами
херс. - херсонский
хив. - хивинский
ц.-слав. - церковнославянский
чаг. - чагатайский
челяб. - челябинский
черноморск. - черноморский
чеш. - чешский
чув. - чувашский
чул.- чулымский ( = кюэрикский)
шор. - шорский
эст. - эстонский
южн. - южный
як. - якутский
яросл. - ярославский
ABBREVIATIONS (not translated)

анат. - анатомический
аф. - аффикс
безл. - безличное
бран. - бранное слово
букв. - буквально
в знач. - в значении
гл. - глагол
геогр. - географический
дв. - двойственное число
диал. - диалект
дорев. - дореволюционный
ед. - единственное число
ж. - женский род
заимств. - заимствование, заимствованный
знач. - значение
и. д. - имя действия
ист. - исторический
ласк. - ласкательно
м. - мужской род
межд. - междометие
мест. - местоимение
мн. - множественное число
муз. - музыкальный термин
нареч. - наречие


нескл. - несклоняемое
нов, . - новое
обл. - областное
перен. - в переносном (значении)
понуд. - понудительное
поэт. - поэтическое
пренебр. - пренебрежительно
прил. - прилагательное
прич. - причастие
простореч. - просторечное
разг. - разговорное
ел. - словарь
сказ. - сказуемое
служ. - служебное
см. - смотри
собир. - собирательное существительное
спец. - специальное
совр. - современное
ср. - сравни
стар. - старинное
с.-х. - сельскохозяйственный термин
уменыи. - уменьшительное
уничиж. - уничижительно
устар. - устаревшее
фольк. - фольклорное
шутл. - шутливо
этн. - этнографический
[End of Dictionary Prefaces]
Below follow some extractions from the dictionary. Before 1976 in Soviet Kazakhstan computerized filtering and sorting was probably inaccessible to E.N.Shipova, and even if they were, she would probably leave statistical examinations and valuations to others. But for us a chance to have a better insight into the past and its traces in the present is attractive. The first list is manual, subjective, and reflects a "gut feeling" of the modern Russian language. It extracted about 540 words that are expected to be a known vocabulary of a culturally "Russian" person in Russia before the automobile age. In a way it is an equivalent of a 19th century 9th grade dictionary used in military manuals in USA. Allowing for a conservative 20-25% increase to account for the myriad factors that affect the lexicon later in life, we should expect at least 600 - 700 active roots, which would grow a conservative threefold with their derivatives, to approximately 2,000 words to be expected to be found in a general dictionary containing 10,000 words. Regionally, a proportion may be much higher, in both western and eastern parts of the country. English correspondences are shown in brackets. Some additional comments follow the table.
Basic Russian Türkic-derived vocabulary of approx. 540 words
  1. айва
  2. айда
  3. адам (Eng. Adam)
  4. Алан (народ) (Eng. Alan)
  5. алмаз
  6. алый
  7. алыча
  8. амбар
  9. амин (aman - save me)
  10. анаша
  11. арбуз
  12. аргамак (Eng. argamak stud)
  13. артачиться
  14. артель (Eng. artel)
  15. аршин
  16. атаман
  17. атлас (Eng. atlas maps)
  18. бабай (Eng. papa)
  19. багульник
  20. бадья
  21. бадьян
  22. базар (Eng. bazar/bazaar)
  23. бакалея (бак - ала)
  24. баклава
  25. баклажан

  1. quince
  2. let's go
  3. adam (Eng. Adam)
  4. Alan (people) (Eng. Alan)
  5. diamond
  6. red
  7. cherry plum
  8. barn
  9. amen (aman - save me)
  10. hemp
  11. water-melon
  12. argamak (Eng. argamak stud)
  13. to jib
  14. artel (Eng. artel)
  15. arshin
  16. headman
  17. atlas (Eng. atlas maps)
  18. papa (Eng. papa)
  19. Labrador tea
  20. tub
  21. anise tree
  22. market (Eng. bazar/bazaar)
  23. groceries (a tank - it is al)
  24. baklava
  25. eggplant

  1. балалайка
  2. балаган
  3. баламут
  4. балбес
  5. балда (балта - топор)
  6. балда (дурак)
  7. балык
  8. барабан
  9. баран
  10. барбарис
  11. бардак
  12. бардак
  13. Барнаул (три гроша место)
  14. барс
  15. барсук
  16. бархан (Eng.barchan)
  17. барыш
  18. басма
  19. батрак
  20. бахрома
  21. бахча (садик)
  22. башлык
  23. баштан (бахча)
  24. башмак
  25. баю-бай

  1. balalaika
  2. shed (Eng. balagan)
  3. troublemaker
  4. stupid
  5. axe
  6. dumb
  7. fish
  8. дrum
  9. ram
  10. Barberry
  11. brothel
  12. disorder
  13. Barnaul (three-penny place)
  14. leopard
  15. badger
  16. barchan (Eng.barchan)
  17. profit
  18. seal
  19. farm laborer
  20. fringe (cloth)
  21. melon field
  22. bashlyk (Eng. bashlyk)
  23. melon field
  24. boot
  25. lullaby

  1. барин
  2. баян
  3. безалаберный
  4. безмен
  5. бекрень
  6. белиберда
  7. белиш
  8. бельмес
  9. бергамот
  10. беркут
  11. бешбармак
  12. бирка
  13. бирюза
  14. бирюк
  15. бисер
  16. богарный (участок)
  17. богатырь
  18. болван
  19. бормотать
  20. боярин
  21. брага
  22. бронь

  23. бугай
  24. буерак
  25. булат
  26. бунчук

  1. feudal
  2. harmonica
  3. careless
  4. steelyard
  5. tilted
  6. nonsense
  7. meat dish
  8. nothing
  9. Bergamot
  10. Golden eagle
  11. meat dish
  12. label
  13. turquoise
  14. bachelor
  15. bead(s)
  16. unirrigated (land)
  17. bogatyr
  18. blockhead
  19. muttering
  20. Boyar
  21. beer
  22. armor, protection
  23. bull
  24. ravine
  25. Damask steel
  26. flag

  1. буран
  2. бурав (Eng. bore bit)
  3. бурда
  4. бурдюк
  5. бурка
  6. бурлак
  7. бурт
  8. буран
  9. бурун (нос)
  10. бурый
  11. бусы
  12. бутуз
  13. бухты-барахты
  14. буян
  15. бык
  16. бязь
  17. варлыжить
  18. ватага (oda - комната)
  19. ватаман
  20. взбалмошный
  21. вишня
  22. визирь
  23. влага
  24. власть
  25. войлок (Eng. felt)

  1. snowstorm
  2. drill (Eng. bore bit)
  3. slops
  4. wineskin
  5. leather coat
  6. barge hauler
  7. pile
  8. snow storm
  9. breaker (nose)
  10. brown
  11. beads
  12. nipper (boy)
  13. suddenly
  14. brawler
  15. bull
  16. coarse calico
  17. wander
  18. band
  19. headman
  20. eccentric
  21. cherry
  22. vizier
  23. moisture
  24. authority
  25. felt (Eng. felt)

  1. вол
  2. волость (улус)
  3. впросак
  4. вурдалак
  5. вьюк
  6. газель (Eng. gazelle)
  7. гайдамак
  8. гайдук
  9. гак
  10. гашиш (Eng. hashish)
  11. гоголь
  12. гурт
  13. гурьба
  14. далма
  15. деньги
  16. дербень (мельница)
  17. джейран
  18. джут
  19. диван (Eng. divan)
  20. драгоман (Eng. dragoon)
  21. дрохва
  22. дуга
  23. дуда, дудка
  24. ендова (сосуд)
  25. ералаш

  1. ox
  2. province
  3. unprepared
  4. vampire
  5. pack
  6. gazelle (Eng. gazelle)
  7. light soldier
  8. light mercenary
  9. and more
  10. hashish (Eng. hashish)
  11. drake
  12. herd
  13. crowd
  14. dalma
  15. money
  16. mill
  17. gazelle
  18. starvation
  19. divan (Eng. divan)
  20. dragoon (Eng. dragoon)
  21. crane
  22. arch
  23. pipe (music)
  24. vessel
  25. jumble

  1. ермак
  2. ермолка (Eng. yarmelke)
  3. есаул
  4. ессентуки
  5. жасмин
  6. жемчуг
  7. жесть
  8. жупан
  9. затор
  10. зипун
  11. зурна
  12. изумруд
  13. изюм
  14. изъян
  15. ишак
  16. ишимы (обувь)
  17. йогурт
  18. кабак (тыква)
  19. кабак (ресторан)
  20. кабала
  21. кабан
  22. каблук
  23. кавардак
  24. каган
  25. кади

  1. millstone
  2. skullcap (Eng. yarmelke)
  3. officer rank
  4. essentuki (location)
  5. jasmine (Eng. jasmine)
  6. pearl
  7. sheet mettal
  8. caftan
  9. jam (traffic)
  10. caftan
  11. pipe (misical)
  12. emerald
  13. raisin
  14. defect
  15. donkey
  16. footwear
  17. yoghurt (Eng. yoghurt)
  18. pumpkin
  19. tavern
  20. servitude
  21. wild boar
  22. heel
  23. mess (disarray)
  24. kagan
  25. judge

  1. кадык
  2. казакин
  3. казан
  4. казна
  5. кайма
  6. каймак
  7. кайф
  8. каланча
  9. калач
  10. калика
  11. калита
  12. калиф
  13. калпак
  14. калым
  15. калым
  16. калым
  17. камча
  18. камыш (тростник)
  19. кан (каган) (Eng. kagan)
  20. кандалы
  21. капа (Eng. kipa)
  22. капкан
  23. караван (Eng. caravan)
  24. карагач
  25. каракуль

  1. Adam's apple
  2. short caftan
  3. caldron
  4. treasury
  5. hem
  6. cream
  7. pleasure
  8. watchtower
  9. doughnut
  10. pilgrim
  11. purse
  12. Caliph
  13. hood (hat)
  14. bride money
  15. moonlighting pay
  16. gain
  17. silk type
  18. cane (reed)
  19. kan (kagan) (Eng. kagan)
  20. shackles
  21. skullcap (Eng. kipa)
  22. trap
  23. caravan (Eng. caravan)
  24. tree type
  25. Astrakhan fur

  1. карамазый
  2. карандаш
  3. карапуз (арбуз)
  4. карась
  5. караул
  6. карга (ворона)
  7. карга(старуха)
  8. карий
  9. карлик
  10. карман
  11. кастить (Eng. castigate)
  12. каторга
  13. каурый (копур - серый)
  14. кафтан (Eng. caftan)
  15. каюк
  16. каяк
  17. кебаб
  18. кент
  19. кепка
  20. кетмень
  21. кибитка
  22. кизил
  23. кизяк
  24. кинжал
  25. киоск (Eng. kiosk)

  1. black
  2. pencil
  3. toddler (water-melon)
  4. crucian (Eng. crucian )
  5. sentry
  6. raven
  7. old woman (Eng. hag witch)
  8. hazel
  9. midget
  10. pocket
  11. castigate (Eng. castigate)
  12. galleys
  13. grey
  14. caftan (Eng. caftan)
  15. end
  16. kayak (Eng. kayak)
  17. kebab (Eng. kebab)
  18. village (non-nomadic)
  19. cap
  20. hoe
  21. tilt cart
  22. sour berry
  23. dung
  24. dagger
  25. booth (Eng. kiosk)

  1. кирка
  2. кирпич
  3. киса
  4. кисет
  5. кисея
  6. кистень
  7. кичка
  8. кишлак
  9. кишмиш
  10. клобук, нахлобучить
  11. клянчить
  12. клячить
  13. кобель
  14. кобза, кобыз
  15. кобура
  16. ковер (Eng. cover)
  17. коврига
  18. ковчег
  19. ковш, ковшик
  20. коза, козёл
  21. колбаса
  22. колика
  23. колон (Eng. colon)
  24. колонок
  25. колпак

  1. pick (hoe)
  2. brick
  3. pussycat
  4. tobacco pouch
  5. muslin
  6. cudgel (weapon)
  7. headdress (fem)
  8. village
  9. grapes, raisins
  10. headdress (clerical)
  11. beg
  12. beg
  13. dog (male)
  14. string instr. (mus)
  15. holster
  16. carpet (Eng. cover)
  17. bread (type)
  18. chest (storage)
  19. ladle
  20. goat
  21. sausage (Eng. kielbasa)
  22. stomach ache
  23. colon (Eng. colon)
  24. polecat
  25. hood cap

  1. колган
  2. колтун
  3. колчан
  4. кольчуга
  5. кондачка (с кондачка )
  6. корсак
  7. корчага
  8. косяк
  9. кочан
  10. кочевать (Eng. coach)
  11. кочевник
  12. кочерга
  13. кош
  14. кошма
  15. кремль
  16. крюк
  17. кузов
  18. кукушка
  19. кулак
  20. кулан (Eng. kulan)
  21. культя
  22. кума, кум
  23. кумач (kumaş - ткань)
  24. кумган
  25. кумыс

  1. larch
  2. larch
  3. quiver
  4. chain armour
  5. improvising
  6. small fox
  7. dry branch
  8. jamb (door)
  9. cabbage stem
  10. coach travel (Eng. coach)
  11. nomad
  12. fire-iron
  13. mobile village
  14. heavy spread
  15. fort
  16. hook
  17. truck bed
  18. cuckoo
  19. fist
  20. onager (Eng. kulan)
  21. amputated stub
  22. god mother (father)
  23. fabric (red)
  24. jar
  25. koumiss

  1. кунак
  2. кунжут
  3. курабье
  4. курага
  5. курган
  6. курдюк
  7. курень
  8. кутерьма
  9. кушак
  10. лаваш (Eng. lavash)
  11. лагман
  12. лагуна (Eng. lagoon)
  13. латка
  14. лафа
  15. лохань
  16. лачуга
  17. лебеда
  18. леший
  19. луфарь
  20. лиман (Eng. liman)
  21. лимон (Eng. lemon)
  22. лошадь
  23. лошак
  24. лохань
  25. люлька

  1. friend
  2. sesame
  3. pastry
  4. dried apricots
  5. kurgan
  6. fat tail
  7. settlement
  8. commotion
  9. belt
  10. flat bread (Eng. lavash)
  11. pasta with meaty source
  12. lagoon (Eng. lagoon)
  13. patch
  14. wonderful
  15. wash basin
  16. hovel
  17. saltbush
  18. goblin
  19. mackerel
  20. estuary (Eng. liman)
  21. lemon (Eng. lemon)
  22. horse
  23. mule
  24. wash basin
  25. cradle

  1. магазин
  2. магарыч (расходы)
  3. мазут
  4. майдан (лужайка)
  5. мал
  6. малый
  7. малый
  8. мальчик
  9. малахай
  10. мамона
  11. мангал
  12. манты
  13. марал (Eng. maral)
  14. марафет
  15. маяк (байрак)
  16. мезга
  17. мех (шкура козы)
  18. минарет
  19. мирза, мурза
  20. мишень
  21. мишура
  22. могила
  23. мулла
  24. мурлыкать
  25. мусор (?)

  1. store (Eng. magazine frame)
  2. expenses
  3. diesel oil
  4. lawn
  5. small
  6. male offspring
  7. lesser
  8. boy
  9. fir hood hat
  10. monkey
  11. grill
  12. dumplings
  13. maral deer (Eng. maral)
  14. art
  15. beacon (Eng. beacon)
  16. residua from squeezing
  17. fur (goat)
  18. minaret
  19. prince, scribe
  20. target
  21. tinsel
  22. tomb
  23. mullah
  24. purr
  25. garbage

  1. мусульман
  2. муфтий
  3. мушмула (кизил)
  4. набалдашник
  5. набат
  6. нагайка
  7. наждак
  8. накра
  9. намаз
  10. наргиле (кальян)
  11. нау-ськать (усь) -ущить
  12. нахлобучить
  13. нахлобучить
  14. нашатырь
  15. наяна
  16. нефть
  17. ногата
  18. обезьяна
  19. овраг
  20. огульно
  21. одалиска
  22. олух
  23. опара
  24. орда
  25. осина (Eng. aspen)

  1. Moslem
  2. Mufti
  3. sour berry
  4. knob (Eng. knob)
  5. Alarm knoll
  6. whipp
  7. sandpaper
  8. tambourine
  9. namaz (Eng. namaz)
  10. hookah
  11. incite
  12. pull down
  13. berate
  14. ammonia
  15. unruly
  16. crude oil
  17. coin
  18. monkey
  19. ravine
  20. unreasonably
  21. concubine
  22. blockhead
  23. leavened dough
  24. horde
  25. aspen (Eng. aspen)

  1. осот
  2. отара
  3. отсуживать
  4. очаг
  5. падишах
  6. пай
  7. палас
  8. палач
  9. палаш
  10. папаха
  11. парча
  12. пахмурный
  13. паша
  14. пенька
  15. пиала
  16. пирог
  17. плов
  18. порты, портянки
  19. постолы
  20. пул
  21. пурга
  22. пустельга
  23. разгильдяй
  24. ревень (перс.)
  25. Руслан (имя)

  1. thorny thistles
  2. flock (herd)
  3. regain in court
  4. hearth
  5. padishah
  6. stock (portion)
  7. oriental carpet
  8. executioner
  9. sword blade
  10. Scythian hat
  11. brocade
  12. discontent
  13. pasha
  14. hemp
  15. cup (Eng. phial)
  16. pie (Eng. piroshki)
  17. pilaf
  18. gaiter
  19. footwear type
  20. coin
  21. snowstorm
  22. falcon type
  23. unruly
  24. rhubarb (plant)
  25. Ruslan (наме)

  1. сабантуй
  2. сабля
  3. сазан
  4. сайгак (Eng. saigak)
  5. саксаул
  6. саман
  7. сан
  8. сандал
  9. сани
  10. сарай
  11. саранча
  12. сарафан
  13. сарыч
  14. сапка
  15. сафьян
  16. севрюга
  17. сеит, сеид
  18. сечь, засечь
  19. сель
  20. серьга
  21. сигать
  22. слон
  23. смекать (мекать)
  24. собака
  25. сор

  1. festival
  2. sabre
  3. carp type
  4. saiga antelope (Eng. saigak)
  5. desert plant
  6. adobe
  7. rank
  8. sandal (tree)
  9. sledge
  10. shed
  11. locust
  12. sundress
  13. falcon type
  14. mattock
  15. Morocco (cloth)
  16. sturgeon (Eng. sturgeon)
  17. seid (Moslem cleric)
  18. to score (Eng. score)
  19. mountain slide
  20. earing
  21. jump
  22. elephant
  23. figure out
  24. dog
  25. rubbish

  1. софа(Eng. sofa)
  2. стакан
  3. судак
  4. султан
  5. сумбур
  6. сундук
  7. сургуч
  8. суровый (ткань)
  9. суровый (человек)
  10. сурок
  11. сурьма
  12. сырт ( гряда, спина)
  13. сычуг
  14. табанить
  15. табор
  16. табун
  17. таволга
  18. тавро
  19. таганок
  20. таз
  21. тайга (Eng. taiga)
  22. тальник
  23. тамга
  24. таможня
  25. таракан

  1. sofa (Eng. sofa)
  2. drinking glass
  3. pike perch
  4. sultan (Eng. sultan)
  5. confusion
  6. chest
  7. sealing wax
  8. rough (fabric)
  9. severe (person)
  10. marmot
  11. antimony
  12. crest, ridge (Eng. crest)
  13. stomach part (bovid)
  14. row directionally
  15. camp
  16. herd
  17. wild rose
  18. brand (cattle)
  19. portable stove
  20. basin (bowl)
  21. taiga (Eng. taiga)
  22. willow bush
  23. emblem (Eng. tamga)
  24. customs office
  25. cockroach

  1. таран
  2. тарань (таранька)
  3. тарпан (Eng. tarpan)
  4. тархан
  5. тафта
  6. тебеневать
  7. телёнок, теля
  8. темник
  9. терем
  10. терпуг
  11. тесьма
  12. товар
  13. товарищ (Eng. tovarich)
  14. толмач
  15. топаз
  16. тормоз
  17. тормошить
  18. туесок
  19. тулуп
  20. тумак
  21. туман
  22. тутовник (дерево)
  23. тучный
  24. туша
  25. тьма

  1. ram (ramming)
  2. dried pickled small carp
  3. tarpan (Eng. tarpan)
  4. autonomous small ruler
  5. taffeta
  6. graze under snow
  7. calf
  8. commander
  9. tower (Eng. tower)
  10. file (carpenter)
  11. band, string
  12. goods
  13. comrade (Eng. tovarich)
  14. interpreter
  15. topaz (Eng. topaz)
  16. brake (vehicle)
  17. prod
  18. bark basket
  19. sheepskin coat
  20. punch
  21. fog
  22. mulberry (tree)
  23. corpulent
  24. corps (animal)
  25. darkness

  1. тюбетейка
  2. тюк
  3. тюлька (рыба)
  4. тюрьма
  5. тюря
  6. тюрячить, затюрячить
  7. тюфяк
  8. тяпка
  9. уйма
  10. улан
  11. улус (волость)
  12. упырь
  13. урюк
  14. ура (Eng. Hurray!)
  15. ураган
  16. урал
  17. урон
  18. урюк
  19. утюг (ütü)
  20. ушкуйник
  21. факир (Eng. fakir)
  22. фарфор
  23. фата
  24. ферзь
  25. фисташка (Eng. pistachio)

  1. skullcap
  2. bale
  3. anchovies
  4. prison (Eng. tower)
  5. looser
  6. put and forget
  7. mattress
  8. chopper (tool)
  9. plenty
  10. cavalryman
  11. province
  12. vampire (Eng. vampire)
  13. dried apricots
  14. Hurrah (Eng. Hurray!)
  15. hurricane (Eng. hurricane )
  16. Ural, Urals
  17. loss
  18. dried apricots
  19. iron (laundry)
  20. river pirate
  21. fakir (Eng. fakir)
  22. porcelain
  23. veil
  24. queen (chess)
  25. pistachio (Eng. pistachio)

  1. фитиль
  2. фундук
  3. хабар (весть)
  4. хаджи, хаджа
  5. халат
  6. халатный
  7. хапать
  8. халва (Eng. halva)
  9. халиф
  10. хамса
  11. хан
  12. ханжа
  13. харчи
  14. хашиш (Eng. hashish)
  15. хмель
  16. хна
  17. хозяин
  18. хомут
  19. хоругвь
  20. хурма
  21. цапка (сапка, тяпка)
  22. чабан
  23. чадра
  24. чай
  25. чайка

  1. wick
  2. filbert
  3. message
  4. hadji
  5. gown
  6. negligent
  7. seize
  8. Halvah (Eng. halva)
  9. Caliph
  10. hamsin
  11. Khan
  12. hypocritefoodfood
  13. slop (food)
  14. hashish (Eng. hashish)
  15. hops
  16. henna
  17. owner
  18. yoke
  19. banner
  20. persimmon
  21. mattock
  22. shepherd
  23. veil
  24. tea
  25. seagull

  1. чайхана
  2. чак-чак
  3. чалый
  4. чалма
  5. чан
  6. чапан
  7. чара, чарка
  8. чекан, чеканить
  9. чекушка
  10. чекмарь
  11. чекмень
  12. чемодан
  13. чердак
  14. черемша
  15. чертог
  16. чинара
  17. чирикать
  18. чоботы
  19. чорба
  20. чохом
  21. чубук
  22. чувяки
  23. чугун
  24. чулан
  25. чулок

  1. tea house
  2. pastry
  3. gray (horse)
  4. turban
  5. tub
  6. caftan
  7. goblet
  8. die (tool)
  9. 1/4 liter (vodka)
  10. mallet
  11. caftan
  12. suitcase
  13. attic
  14. ramson
  15. hall
  16. sycamore
  17. chirp (bird)
  18. bast shoes
  19. chorba (soup)
  20. altogether
  21. pipe (tobacoo)
  22. soft leather shoes
  23. pig-iron
  24. closet
  25. stocking

  1. чумазый
  2. чурек
  3. чучело
  4. чушка
  5. шайка
  6. шакал
  7. шалаш
  8. шаль (Eng. shawl)
  9. шаровары
  10. шатер
  11. шафран
  12. шашлык
  13. шериф
  14. шербет
  15. шерешир
  16. шерешир
  17. шершавый
  18. шиш
  19. шишак
  20. шишка
  21. штаны
  22. шурга
  23. шурум-бурум
  24. шалтай-болтай
  25. шурпа

  1. grimy
  2. pie (Eng. piroshki)
  3. scarecrow
  4. innocent stupidity
  5. gang
  6. jackal
  7. branch tent
  8. shawl (Eng. shawl)
  9. wide trousers
  10. tent
  11. saffron
  12. shish kebab
  13. Moslem (cleric)
  14. sherbet
  15. catapult
  16. cannon
  17. rough
  18. zilch (nothing)
  19. bump (injury)
  20. cone (fir tree)
  21. trousers
  22. snowstorm
  23. home stuff
  24. Humpty-Dumpty
  25. shurpa/chorba (soup)

  1. шуры-муры
  2. щерба, щербинка
  3. щи
  4. эмир
  5. эфенди
  6. яга (шуба)
  7. яга (старуха)
  8. ямщик
  9. яр (ров, арык)
  10. яр (сакральный)
  11. ярый
  12. ярлык (Eng. Earl)
  13. ясак
  14. ястык
  15. ятаган
  16. яхонт
  17. якшаться
  18. яшма
  19. ящик

  1. hanky-panky
  2. crack, cranny
  3. shchi (soup)
  4. emir
  5. effendi (Eng. effendi)
  6. fur coat type
  7. old angry woman
  8. coachman
  9. ravine, moat
  10. saint, adoring
  11. fierce
  12. label (Eng. Earl)
  13. tax, tribute
  14. pillow
  15. curved dagger
  16. ruby, sapphire
  17. socialize
  18. jasper
  19. box

Slavic/Rus Türkic-derived vocabulary of approx. 90 words
The following extraction is a largely mechanical selection of the words defined in the Dictionary, either directly or indirectly, as pre-Mongol Türkic words. Only a small fraction of the words in the Dictionary carries any kind of timing definition, so the list is rather a representative sample then a comprehensive list, probably representing a 10-20% of the 10th c. Ruso-Türkic vocabulary. A complete list may have included at least 500 - 1,000 active roots, with their derivatives approximately 1,500 - 2,000 words. Direct indications for the selection are by date, by source (ancient Bulgarian, ancient Chuvash, with both terms used interchangeably, Kipchak, pre-Mongol, "most ancient borrowings", "common Slavic", Church Slavonic, and "Tale of Igor's Campaign"). The Dictionary denoted many words as "ancient Russian", but because that philological definition covers anything older than 17th c., only a minor fraction of them are added to the list, a few non-dated words defined as "ancient Russian" that are known to exist in the pre-Mongol period, or those that could not possibly come from the Tataro-Mongol/Rus symbiotic lexicon. All words were used in first Slavic-Rus annals. Many of the ancient words are still active, and are included in the table above. To facilitate a cross-reference, the table includes transliteration to English.
  1. алмаз
  2. бабайка
  3. балда II
  4. баран
  5. баян
  6. болван
  7. босый
  8. боярак
  9. бронь
  10. бубрег
  11. влага
  12. волога
  13. вор
  14. гоголь
  15. девянуш
  16. дервиш
  17. дуга
  18. жемчуг
  19. зипун
  20. кабак II
  21. каган
  22. ковчег
  23. коза
  24. койтул
  25. колбаса
  26. кондачка или кандачка
  27. корсак, корсук
  28. кос
  29. куколь
  30. кума
  31. кумган
  32. курбан
  33. лачуга
  34. люлька
  35. мазарки
  36. мамона
  37. мезга
  38. осот
  39. папуч
  40. пёсий (зуб)
  41. сагчий
  42. салтан
  43. санчак
  44. саранча
  45. сердюк
  46. сулок, сулог
  47. табарган
  48. такья
  49. тамбур, танбур
  50. тафтуй, тахтуй
  51. толмач
  52. тортак
  53. труж
  54. тузлук II
  55. тутурган
  56. тьма
  57. тюфяк II
  58. учан
  59. ферзь
  60. харалуг
  61. ценина I
  62. чага
  63. чан
  64. чебак I, чабак I
  65. черга
  66. чинак
  67. чомга
  68. шубаш
  69. шувар
  70. щи
  71. юрта
  72. яга, ега
  73. яндова
  74. янычар
  75. бугай II
  76. бурый
  77. бутурлык
  78. ватага
  79. вьюк
  80. евшан
  81. катуна
  82. лебеда
  83. порт
  84. собака
  85. тал, тальн
  86. теля
  87. темник
  88. хмель
  89. шатёр
  90. яз, ез
  91. ям
  92. ярок
  1. almaz
  2. babaika
  3. balda II
  4. baran
  5. bayan
  6. bolvan
  7. bosyi
  8. boyarak
  9. bron

  10. bubreg
  11. vlaga
  12. vologa
  13. vor
  14. gogol
  15. devyanush
  16. dervishhhhh
  17. duga
  18. jemchug
  19. zipun
  20. kabak
  21. kagan
  22. kovcheg
  23. koza
  24. koitul
  25. kolbasa
  26. kondachka or kandachka
  27. korsak, korsuk
  28. kos
  29. kukol
  30. kuma
  31. kumgan
  32. kurban
  33. lachuga
  34. lyulka
  35. mazarki
  36. mamona
  37. mezga
  38. osot
  39. papuch
  40. pesiy
  41. sagchiy
  42. saltan
  43. sanchak
  44. sarancha
  45. serdyuk
  46. sulok, sulog
  47. tabargan
  48. takya
  49. tambur, tanbur
  50. taftuj, tahtuj
  51. tolmach
  52. tortak
  53. truj
  54. tuzluk
  55. tuturgan
  56. tma
  57. tufyak
  58. uchan
  59. ferz
  60. haralug
  61. tsenina I
  62. chaga
  63. chan
  64. chebak I, chabak I
  65. cherga
  66. chinak
  67. chomga
  68. shubash
  69. shuvar
  70. schi
  71. yurta
  72. yaga, ega
  73. yandova
  74. yanychar
  75. bugai II
  76. brown
  77. buturlyk
  78. vataga
  79. viyuk
  80. evshan
  81. katuna
  82. lebeda
  83. port
  84. sobaka
  85. tal,taln
  86. telya
  87. temnik
  88. hmel
  89. shater
  90. yaz, ez
  91. yam
  92. yarok
  1. diamond
  2. granny
  3. bulb part of something
  4. ram
  5. Bayan-Chelbir
  6. idol
  7. gray
  8. ravine
  9. animal kidney
  10. armor, protection
  11. moisture
  12. moisture
  13. thief
  14. duck type
  15. osterich
  16. dervish
  17. arch
  18. pearl
  19. dress type
  20. tavern
  21. kagan (king's rank)
  22. ark (relig)
  23. goat (fem)
  24. princely tower
  25. sausage (kielbasa)
  26. improvising
  27. fox type
  28. ouzel
  29. weed grass
  30. godmother
  31. jar
  32. jar
  33. hovel
  34. cradle
  35. cemetery
  36. monkey
  37. mush
  38. plant type
  39. footwear
  40. plant type
  41. ranking post
  42. sultan
  43. deputy
  44. locust
  45. drafted infantry
  46. towel
  47. earthen hare
  48. hat (girl)
  49. mandoline
  50. bow case
  51. interpreter
  52. tax type
  53. noble (rank)
  54. belt ornament
  55. rice
  56. multitude
  57. artillery, volleys of arrows
  58. river boat
  59. Queen (chess)
  60. colored steel
  61. precious dishware
  62. captive
  63. tub
  64. fish type
  65. sequence
  66. bowl
  67. duck type
  68. official (rank)
  69. plant type
  70. soup type
  71. portable house
  72. fur coat type
  73. flat dish with nose
  74. infantry
  75. dress type
  76. brown
  77. leg armor
  78. company
  79. pack
  80. steppe grass
  81. senior wife, woman
  82. plant type
  83. hemp rope, cloth
  84. dog
  85. willow type
  86. calf
  87. high commander
  88. hops
  89. tent
  90. fish trap
  91. post station
  92. ravine
Cover Page A - D E - M N - T U - Ya

In Russian
Contents Türkic languages
A.Askarov The Aryan problem
Classification of Türkic languages
Language Types
Lingo-Ethnical Tree
Indo-European, Arians, Dravidian, and Rigveda
Scythian Ethnic Affiliation
Türkic borrowings in English
Türkic in Romance
Alans in Pyrenees
Türkic in Greek
Alan Dateline
Avar Dateline
Besenyo Dateline
Bulgar Dateline
Huns Dateline
Karluk Dateline
Khazar Dateline
Kimak Dateline
Kipchak Dateline
Kyrgyz Dateline
Sabir Dateline
Seyanto Dateline
