In English
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  Besenyos, Ogur and Oguz
Kurgan Culture
Andronov Culture
Afanasiev Culture
Karasuk Culture
Alan Dateline
Avar Dateline
Besenyo Dateline
Bulgar Dateline
Huns Dateline
Karluk Dateline
Kimak Dateline
Kipchak Dateline
Khazar Dateline
Kyrgyz Dateline
Sabir Dateline
Seyanto Dateline


Gyanguns, Geguns, Dinlins, Kyrgyzes, Kirgyzes, Kirgizes, Khyagases, Khakasses, and other variations

Subdivisions and ethnic affiliates


400 BC-1293 AD

W Huns 5c AD Kushan 6c AD Kushan 6c AD Avaria 6c AD Kyrgyz Kaganate
ca 600 AD
Uigur Kaganate
ca 740 AD







-400 First mentioning of Dinlins living in Minusinsk depression and also in forest-steppe belt from Ob to Baykal (Türk "Main Lake"), identified with carriers of Tagar Culture (7th-3rd cc BC). Dinlins are presented Centaur-like joint with horse, or with hairy legs and hoofs
-400 Large Salbyk kurgan 20 m high, 80 m diameter, dated 4th-3rd cc BC with a single burial. Among artifacts was rotating hand mill. Evidence of agriculture, cattle breeding, and irrigation
-300 300 BC - 300 AD Dinlins live in S Siberia from lake Baykal to middle Enisey and sources of r. Chulym. Chinese annals certify Türkic-speaking of Dinlins, and call the state "Dinlin go" = "Dinlin state"
-300 S of Dinlins live Gyanguns (Geguns), belived to be earliest transcription of Kyrgyz. Gyanguns live in N-W Mongolia.
-201 Mode subjugated Dinlins, pushed them to N and giving their land to Gyanguns. Dinlin carriers of Tagar Culture join with Gyanguns, creating Tashtyk Culture (1thc BC - 5th c AD).
-174 Kokkhan (174-161 BC) Huns (Hsiung-nu) attack Tocharians (Yüeh-chih, White Huns), driving them from Gansu.
-174 Nomadic Yu-chi, a powerful force west of China, attacked and defeated by Huns and driven west, into Sogdia (K'ang-chu), from where they invade Bactria (Ta-hsia). Strabo 11.8.2 names them Asii, Pasiani, Tochari, and Sacarauli
-141 141-128 BC
Tochars (Yüeh-chih), fleeing from Huns (Hsiung-nu), overrun Greco-Bactrian kingdom, which is renamed Tocharistan.
-124 Asi (Yazig), Pasiani (Budini/Beçen/Peçenek), Tocharian, Sabir (Sabaroi) tribes break into Sogdiana (Chinese "K'ang-chu") and Baktria (Chinese "Ta-hsia"). In next five years two Parthian emperor die in wars. Later Sakauraka tribe is also conquered by them
-73 Usuns, headed by a hereditary ruler, Kunmi, number over 600,000. They are 2 groups, Kangly (many of whom were sedentary farmers) in Karatau region and middle course of Syr Darya, and Alani migrated from N shores of Aral Sea to N banks of Caspian Sea
-73 Excavations at Aktyubinsk (on right bank of Syr Darya) reveal that Usun erected permanent dwellings as winter residences for tribal notables; most elaborate of these were two-story dwellings with enclosed courtyards
-69 Dinlins from N join with Uhuans from E and Usuns (As-Süns) from W attack and defeat Huns. Among booty Dinlins bring to Minusinsk depression thousands more of Gyanguns.
-69 69-49 BC Period of Dinlin independence
-55 Hun confederation splits into N. and S., N.Huns under Chjichji-Chanuy and S.Huns under Khukhanie-Chanuy.
-49 Chjichji-Chanuy defeated and subordinated Dinlins and Gyanguns
185 AD Avar (Juan-juan) state on the NW border of China, to the Mtn. Altai
200 Tentative dating of Yenisean Alphabet consodered by V.V. Radlov, P.Melioransky and S.E.Malov to be 2-3 centuries older than benchmark Orkhon Alphabet dated to 5th century by 6th century inscriptions
350 ca. 350 Juan-juans take the Sien-pi lands.
400 Fifth and sixth centuries A.D. Usun (Turgesh) union began to disintegrate, after successive invasions by Altai Turks
402 Juan-juans take Cungaria (Djungaria) and Upper Irtis (Irtysh).
410 Syanbinian (Türk. Sün-bey, i.e. "Hun Bek") Jujan Khan Shelun Deuday died (-410), his brother Khulyuy (410-414) becomes Khan.
410 Syanbinian Jujan Khan Shelun Deuday unlimitedly controlled steppes from Khingan to Altai. Tele were subjugated. Central Asian Huns, after winning battle at river Ili, recognized suzerainty of Syanbinian Jujans and bought peace by submissiveness.
414 Syanbinian Jujan Khan Khulyuy (410-414) died, his cousin Datan (414-4 )becomes Khan.
418 Syanbinian Jujanes penetrated Tarbagatay area,
430 Major campaign by Tabgach Empire Wey army, under Emperor Tay-u-di (Toba Dao) disperse Syanbinian Jujanes. Datan disappears, leadership taken by his son Udi. Udi agrees to pay tribute to Empire Wey. 
437 Syanbinian Jujanes under Udi resume attacks on Empire Wey. In 439 Empire Wey counterattacks, without decisive battle. In 440 Udi attacks border and flees. Then again in 445.
439 In 439 Tobases had victory over Huns and joined Chesi to Wey Empire, Khan Ashina with 500 families fled to Syanbinian Jujanes and settled south of Altai mountains and produce iron for Syanbinian Jujanes.
439 The Türk (in Chinese texts t'u-küe) tribe, led by the Asina clan, is admitted into the Juan-juan state, and settles the S. slopes of Altay.
440 Hephthalites (White Huns, Ephtalite, i.e. Türk.: Abdal, Abdally, Hantal, later known in West as Avars) move south from Altai region to occupy Transoxiana, Bactria, Khorasan, and eastern Persia
445 Syanbinian Jujan Khan Udi (430-445) died, his son Tukhechjen becomes Khan. Empire Wey undertakes punishment raids into steppes against Syanbinian Jujanes.
470 Peace between Syanbinian Jujan and Tabgach-Northern Wey Empire
485 Syanbinian Jujan Khan Yuychen died, his …??... Doulun becomes Khan.
492 Syanbinian Jujan Khan Doulun killed, end of Syanbinian Jujan Syanbinian overlordship over steppes and Tele.
Nagay becomes Khan
493 Syanbinian Jujan Khan Nagay died, his son Futu becomes Khan.
500 Gaochan in Turfan oasis, under ethnically Chinese lord, under overlordship of Syanbinian Jujanes, breaks with their allies Syanbinian Jujanes.
500 Usun (Turgesh) population remained, but came first under rule of Western Turkish Kaganates and then under their successor, the Turgesh Kaganate, with its center at Shash, near present-day Tashkent
500 In 6th-7th cc in Kyrgyz state were widely spread golden-plated wooden animal carvings, horse harnesses with floral ornamentation
508 Mivotu is a lord of Teles (Teleutes), in vassalage to Ephtalites. Helps Empire Wey's 3K army defeat Syanbinian Jujanes at lake Puley, after being paid 60 pieces of silk by Empire Wey. Futu dies in struggles.
Mivotu is rewarded with musical instruments.
508 Mivotu is a lord of Teles (Teleutes), in vassalage to Hephtalites. Helps Empire Wey's 3K army defeat Syanbinian Jujanes at lake Puley, after being paid 60 pieces of silk by Empire Wey. Futu dies in struggles.
Mivotu is rewarded with musical instruments.
508 Cheunu becomes Jujan Khan.
513 Buddhism penetrates to Syanbinian Jujanes.
Khan converts to Buddhism.
Religious divisions in ruling clan.
516 Syanbinian Jujan Khan Cheunu attacks Tele's kingdom Gaogyuy, captures Tele (Teleut) lord Mivota, Tele escape to Ephtalites
519 Syanbinian Jujan Khan Cheunu makes a treaty with Ephtalites, gives Ephtalite lords his princesses as wives.
Allies with Korea (Gao-Guyli) against Empire Wey, and together smash Manju tribe Dideugan.
519 Empire Wey recognized suzerainty of Turfan's Gaochan, and Syanbinian Jujanes continue to trade with them, receiving bread and cloth.
Iron goods are provided to Syanbinian Jujans by their Türkic vassals (Turkuts, Türks-Tuku) in Altai.
520 Syanbinian Jujan Khan Cheunu killed by his mother, installed her another son, Anahuan, replaced by Polomyn.
521 Teles rebel and defeat remaining Syanbinian Jujanes under Polomyn, and Polomyn moves to Empire Wey with remains of his Horde.
Anakhuan escaped to Empire Wey in 520, so both branches of Syanbinian Jujan horde ended up in Empire Wey.
522 522-552 Kagan A-na-kuei (A-na-kui)
540 Split of Empire Wey makes Syanbinian Jujan Khan Anakhuan a hegemon for both halves of Empire Wey.
545 Syanbinian Jujan lord Anakhuan, allied with Syanbinian Eastern Wey, together with Eastern Wey's emperor Gao Khuan, and Togon's king Kualyuy, attack Syanbinian Western Wey, but do not defeat Syanbinian Western Wey decisively.
545 Emperor of Syanbinian Western Wey Ven-di sends ambassador An Nopanto to Türkic lord Bumyn.
Bumyn displays disloyalty to their suzerain Syanbinian Jujanes and sends a reciprocating embassy to Syanbinian Western Wey capital Chanan.
546 Hephtalite embassy came to W. Wey
550 West Tele tribes revolt against Syanbinian Jujan dominance, and attack from western Djungaria toward Khalka in Syanbinian Jujan heartland.
550 Bumyn, by accepting West Tele tribes vassalage, displays another disloyalty to Syanbinian Jujanian suzerainty.
550 Mid of 6th c emergence of polyethnic state in Minusinsk depression: with Türkic prevailing language, some members are believed to be Nenets group of the Uralic language family. State created and lead by Kyrgyz (Gyangun) clan, and is called in literature Yenisey Kyrgyz State or Kyrgyz Kaganate
ca 550 - 1293 A.D
Founder -
Area - borders: W - Abakan Ridge and Alatau, S - W. Sayan Ridge, E - probably E.Sayan Ridge, N - to taiga and estuary of r. Angara
550 Consolidation of Kyrgyz Kaganate coincided with creation of First Türkic Kaganate (552-630). Initial relations are peaceful, Kyrgyzes attended funerals of Türkic Kagan Bumyn (Bumyn stela inscription).
550 ca 550-629 Period of Kyrgyz Kaganate subordination and relative independence from First Türkic Kaganate
551 Z. Ritor: "Thirteen peoples Avnagur (Onogur), Avgar, Sabir, Burgar, Alan, Kurtargar, Avar, Hasar, Dirmar, Sirurgur, Bagrasir, Kulas, Abdel and Hephtalit live in tents, earn their living on meat of livestock and fish, of wild animals and by their weapons."
551 551-552 Turkish revolt, starting in the Altai
551 Türkic Lord Bumyn (1) provokes Syanbinian Jujanes to a war by asking for a Syanbinian Jujan princess as a wife.
Anakhuan refuses, calling him slave-smelter daring for such an offer.
552 April 552 Juan-juan defeat; a part of the fleeing Juan-juans enter C'i lands in China, the Kagan is K'u-t'i (552-554), then An-lo-ch'en, son of A-na-kui. The majority (?) starts to West. On the old Juan-juan territory starts the First Turkish Khaganate
552 Türkic Khan Bumyn executes Syanbinian Jujan's ambassador, and in winter of 552 attacks Syanbinian Jujanes and defeats them.
552 Syanbinian Jujanes, defeated by Türks, elect Anakhuan's uncle Dynshuttsy as Khan and continue fighting. In a battle near mountain Lyanshan they are defeated by Kara Issyk Khan.
553 Syanbinian Jujanes are defeated by new Türkic Khan Mugan Khan.
They flee to Syanbinian Eastern Wey under dynasty of Bey-Tsi, who accepted them and repulsed Türks (Turkuts, Türks-Tuku) pursuit.
553 553-568 Turks and Sassanids ally to destroy Hephthalite Empire (Avars).
553 Kidanes defeated by Tsists. Ephtalite embassy to W.Wey
554 Syanbinian Jujanes do not have their herds, and are unable to work. They terrorize and rob population, and Syanbinian Eastern Wey Bey-Tsi sends an army against Syanbinian Jujanes.
554 Destruction of Syanbinian Jujanes weakened Syanbinian Eastern Wey Bey-Tsi.
At same time, Syanbinian Western Wey Bey-Chjou was growing and more powerful.
554 Jujans started looting in Tsi, but are repelled by Chinese.
 555 Jujans flee from Bey-Tsi to W Wey, given to Türks (Turkuts, Türks-Tuku) and decimated. Lyan attacks Bey-Tsi
555 Syanbinian Jujanes are expelled from Syanbinian Eastern Wey Bey-Tsi by army to steppes.
Syanbinian Jujanes are beaten by Türks (Turkuts, Türks-Tuku) and Kidanes.
555 Türks defeat Avars (Abars).
First encounter of Türks (Turkuts, Türks-Tuku) with Hephtalites.
556 Syanbinian Jujanes flee to Syanbinian Western Wey, which surrenders 3K army to Türkic ambassador, who orders decapitation of all except children and servants.
End of Syanbinian Jujan dominance of steppes.
557 Avar's ambassador Kandikh to Byzantium Justinian demands lands and tribute.
558 Istemi Yabgu stops at Itil, allowing Vars and Huni, both from North of Aral Sea to escape to west and become known as Avars. (This is Gumilev's misinterpretation of Avars and Huns)
558 Vars (Ugrian tribe, related to Hungarian ancestors Ogors/Ugrs which lived between Itil and Ural rivers, and to Hungarians living in Bashkiria up to XIII c.) and Huni (Khionites = Sarmato-Alanians), both from North of Aral Sea, become known as Avars (This is Gumilev's misinterpretation of Avars and Huns)
558 Turks conquered Volga and Urals areas. Remains of Huni, Var, and Obr tribes went west to Danube, creating united Avar people (This is Gumilev's misinterpretation of Avars and Huns). Their first task was to escape from enemy. They managed it only because that Ephtalites were active in C Asia and distracted Istemi
558 Hephthalites (Avars) move west to Black Sea steppe to form Avar Khanate
558 Istemi: When I finish with Hephtalites, I will go after Avars, they can't escape. .
563 Turkic armies, supported by Khosrov attack on Balkh, invade Ephtalite lands south of Amudarya. Per 'Shah-Name', decisive battle near Bukhara. Ephtalite army of King Gatifar is crushed
567 Spring 567 Turks, pursuing Avars, cross R. Itil (Volga)
570 Syanbinian Jujan horde keeps robbing neighbors.
Language = Syanbinian
Consider themselves to be ethnically Tobases.
603 Kushans rebel against Iran with help from Turks. Tocharistan separates from Iran
629 Rebellious tribes started fighting for power. Tribe of On-Uigurs (Ten Uigur Tribes union) lead by clan Yaglkar (Kar/Kur/Chur... = leader, popular Türkic title) faces better organized and stronger Sirs. On-Uigurs assembled anti-Sir coalition "Tokuz0Oguz" (nine Oguzes, i.e. nine Tribes). Contenders sent ambassadors to Chanan, to Taytszun court to obtain endorsement, in eyes of vassal tribes, of their stronger Chinese protector, and  Chinese Emperor selects Sirs. In result head of Sirs Inanchu-erkin proclaims himself Yenchu Bilge-Kagan, forming Sir's Kaganate.Former lands of Eastern Türkic Kaganate recognize supremacy of Sirs. In the north Sirs subdued Enisey Kyrgyzes, and installed their Elteber for supervision.
629 Türkic Seyanto, member of Western Türkic Kaganate, ascended to power, controlling Central Asia, and subordinated Kyrgyz Kaganate until 647
632 Tan Empire ambassador Van I-Hun arrived to Kyrgyz Kagan to establish diplomatic relations, indicating Kyrgyz independence
643 Kyrgyz Kagan ambassador pays return visit to Tan Empire
647 Eastern Türkic Kaganate is known to be in control of Altai-Sayan highlands, i.e Kyrgyz Kaganate territory
648 648-748 Kyrgyz Kagan's ambassadors visited Tan Empire 10 times during century, mostly in support of trade relations
679 679-682 Türkic-Chinese war. Kyrgyz Kaganate is believed to be a Chinese Tan dependency. Second Türkic Kaganate's Kagan Mochjo (692-716) tried to convince Kyrgyz Kagan Bars-beg to a vassalage, giving him daughter of his predecessor Kagan Gudulu, aka Ilteres-Kagan, as a wife.
700 Upper Enisey and Tuva have a rich treasure of Türkic inscriptions, most of which are yet to be catalogued, preserved and described. Most of dating is suppositions because of lack of expert study.
700 In 8th century in Kyrgyz Kaganate appeared large urban centers, were built palaces, temples, administration buildings, mostly of saman (adobe) and wood. Capital city was found in the delta of r. Uybat. Local principals build fortresses and castles.
709 Kyrgyzes, allied with Western Türkic Kaganate and Tabgaches (Türco-Chinese Empire Wey), attack Eastern Türkic Kaganate
710 In Türkic-Kyrgyz war, Kyrgyz Kagan Bars-beg is killed by army of Second Türkic Kaganate's Kagan Mochjo, who willed to install balbal (i.e. stone sculpture) of Bars-beg at his grave
731 Kul Tegin inscription witnesses independent status of Kyrgyz Kaganate, which sent ambassador Chur-Tardush Ynanchu to his funerals
740 - 1335 A.D
Founder - Kutlug Bilgekul Khan
Area - Central Asia and Northern Mongolia
744 744-758 After murder by Uigurs of Second Türkic Kaganate's last Kagan Ozmish, Kyrgyz Kaganate regained independence
757 Uigur Eletmish Bilge-Kagan sent help to Empire Tan. Uigur defeat An Lushan, who dies. Uigurian corps is lead by eldest son of Kagan Kutlug Bilge-Yabgu. After Chinese campaign he was accuzed in rebeliousness and executed. His corps, which campained against An Lushan revolt, participated in campaign against Kyrgyzes
758 Uigurs defeat 50,000 strong Kyrgyz army, bringing them into fold of Uigur Kaganate for 85 years (758-843). If war mobilization was total, total Kyrgyz country population stood at 250,000 people. Kyrgyz country retained autonomy within Uigur Kaganate
800 Kyrgyz country N border was at Sayan Ridge
808 ca 808, During Uigur Khan Bao-i (808-821) Kyrgyz army fights Uigur Kaganate
820 820-840, 20-year Uigur-Kyrgyz war under Kyrgyz ruler Yaglkar, ending with Kyrgyz victory over last Uigur Kagan Chjan-sin
840 Uigurs mostly evacuate from Central Asia to disperse in Middle Asia and a part migrated to Turfan and organized new Turfan state lead by Kagan Ugye
840 Yaglkar restored Khan's title, moved capital from Yenisey bank to S. slope of Du-man mountain.
842 Kyrgyzes pursue Uigurs to Eastern Turkestan, but could not subjugate them. Kyrgyzes captured Tuva, Altai, a part of Djungaria and reachd Kashgar, but failed to cut off Uigurs from Central Asian Türks
842 Rulers of Kyrgyz Kaganate aimed to increase weaponry production, because they had great access to mountain mining, metallurgy, and weapon production. They had a well equipped army in their command.
850 ca 850 Hudud Al-Alam describes Kyrgyzes as "unjust and merciless, noted by militaristic attitude and prone to quarrels; they are hostile and fight all nations surrounding them"
890  By end of century Yenisey Kyrgyz State occupied vast territory: W. - from middle course of Irtysh, E. - Baykal and Selenga, N. - R. Angara
916 916-1125 Mongol-speaking Kidanes establish Lyao state.
924 Kidan Emperor Abaotszi invaded Central Asia, which was not any more under Kyrgyz control. Kyrgyzes moved their capital from Tuva to Minusinsk depression. Initially relations between Kyrgyzes and Kidanes were peaceful
924 ca 900-1100 Retreat of Kyrgyzes and advance of Kidanes opens way for migration of Mongol-speaking tribes from r. Amur basin and Manjuria to Central Asian territories occupied by Türkic population, and flight of Türks from borders of China to the west.
924 924-1206 Kyrgyzes succeed in preserving their state in Yenisey basin
940 ca 940 Abu Dulaf Al-Khazraji describes that Kyrgyzes ate millet, rice, beef, lamb, goat meat, and other meats except camel
1000 1000-1200 L.R.Kyzlasov: Kyrgyz state unravels into a loose confederation of autonomous principalities of various descend and languages unable to unite into a single nation and unable to resist forein invaders
1160 Al Idrisi (1099-1166) wrote, among other observations that Kyrgyzes had water mills
1206 1206-1209 After a kurultai that proclaimed Temuchin as Chingiz-khan, Mongols start a 3-year campaign against Kyrgyzes. After a 3-year struggle Kyrgyzes are defeated.
1208 Kyrgyzes revolt against Mongol control at time of Mongol campaign against Horezm. Juchi was sent to suppress revolt, and he succeeded for a time
1254 New revolt by Kyrgyzes forces Mongol to send 20,000 army against revolt.Uprising was suppressed, but Kyrgyzes were not pacified
1293 Khubilai-khan ordered expulsion of Kyrgyzes to Manjuria. A part of Kyrgyzes is deported to Manjuria, signifying end of Yenisey Kyrgyz State
ca 550 - 1293 A.D
Founder -
Area - borders: W - Abakan Ridge and Alatau, S - W. Sayan Ridge, E - probably E.Sayan Ridge, N - to taiga and estuary of r. Angara
740 - 1335 A.D
Founder - Kutlug Bilgekul Khan
Area - Central Asia and Northern Mongolia
3000 BC 3th-2nd Millenniums BC Formation of a cattle breeding economy of shepperd type in Yenisei
2000 2nd -1st Millenniums BC Northern Kirgiz type of Andronov culture (Suhuluk, Kainda)
1000 10th-8th c BC Northern Kirgiz type of  Karasuk culture (Djailma, Naryn, Kargaly)
700 7th-6th c BC Saka tribal union (Issyk-Kul altars; Talass burials: Ayri Tam, Chim Tüz, Djiek)


Sinhronisticheskie tables of the major events on a history the Kirghiz and Kirgizstana (Yenisei and Tjan-shan)

III t. Up to AD. Addition of a cattle breeding facilities{economy} pastusheskogo type. Afanasjevskaja culture.

II t. Up to AD. Androvnoskaja culture.
ò-VIII Century up to AD. Karasukskaja culture.

VII-IV Centuries up to AD. Saksky the breeding union (Issyk-kulskie altars; Talasskie burials - Ajri There, CHim Tjuz, Dzhiek).

III century up to n. e. Usunskaja culture of early nomads of Jeti-Su

209-201 up to AD. The first mention of the breeding name usun.

176-140 up to n.e.. Leaving{Care} of Sakas with Tjan-SHanja and stabilization of authority usunej.

136-128 up to AD Arrival CHzhan-TSjanja to usunjam.
Boundary AD leaving{care} of a part usunej on northwest.

I century up to AD. Culture kenkolskogo a burial ground.

90th years up to AD. Penetration usunej to Eastern Turkestan.

70th years up to AD. Performance{statement} usunej in the union with China, and then dinlinami and uhuan, against gunnov.

60-50-ые up to AD. The Chinese protectorate above usunjami.
47-46 up to AD. Movement northern gunnov CHzhi CHzhi shanjuja to Tien Shan against usunej.
36 up to AD Murder CHzhi CHzhi shanjuja Chinese commander Ganjanshou and CHjan Tanom.

87-91 AD. Route gunnov in the Central Asia
The Chinese armies under leadership
Deu Sinja and tribes Sjanbi.

The beginning of IV century. Performance{statement} of tribes Toba at khan Jujljuj against « usunskih the lands »

425 and 436 embassy usunej to China.
V a century. Domination of the breeding union jueban and route by them zhuzhan, trying to penetrate into Jeti-Su.

III-V Centuries. The beginning sogdijskoj cultures of Jeti-Su, rapid development of settled settlements.

545. Formation{education} of a Turkic Kaganate.

630 Arrival Sjuan TSzjanja in CHujskuju a valley. Communication{connection} tjurok Tjan-shanja with China.
638-653 of Gain Dulukagana on Yenisei and in Central Asia.

654 Campaign Sudinfana in Jeti-Su.

704. Falling of a western - Turkic Kaganate and performance{statement} tjurgeshej.

711-712 War Mochzho of a Kagan with tjurgeshami and performance{statement} tjurok in Sogdiana against arabs.

748 Route Sujaba by the Chinese armies under leadership Van CHzhan Sjanja.

751. Fight of Chinese with arabs on Talas.

766. A gain karlukami Tjan-SHanja.

VII-IХ Centuries. Tjurko-sogdijsky the period: stone barrows, runic inscriptions, balbaly. Influence of China and the Yenisei culture to Tien Shan.

IX century. Domination karlukov in Semirechji (IХ-ò centuries « Karluksky the period »). Occurrence of culture of cities of feudal type.

IХ-ò Centuries. Addition of the basic plots of heroic epos Manas.

840-894. Movement samanidov in Jeti-Su (Down ibn Asad, Ismail ibn Ahmed). Penetration of Uigur culture to Tien Shan. The beginning of active influence of Muslim culture of Central Asia to Tien Shan.

940. The first occurrence tjurok (jagma?) on Tjan Shang and capture Balasaguna in 942.
951. A mention the Kirghiz on the Tjan-Shan at Istahri.

960. Acceptance by turkis of Jeti-Su of an islam.

982. A mention the Kirghiz on the Tjan-Shan in manuscript Hudud is scarlet Alam.

992-999. Addition karahanidskoj dynasties
(ХI-ХII centuries « Karahanidsky the period »). Absolute domination of Muslim culture.

1041. The first occurrence kidanej in Semirechji.

1043. Acceptance by nomads of an islam.

1125. The second occurrence kidanej in Semirechji.

1141-1211. Domination kidanej on the Tjan-Shan.

1207. Wars kidanej with Horezmshahom Mohammed.

1208 Performance{Statement} Hubilaja against Kuchluka kidanskogo.

1211. Overthrow Gurhana and sovereignties Kuchluka.

1218 Route Kuchluka by the Mongolian armies under leadership Jab Nojona.
Синхронистические таблицы важнейших событий по истории киргиз и Киргизстана(Енисей и Тянь-шань)

III т. до н.э. сложение скотоводческого хозяйства пастушеского типа
II т. до н.э. Северокиргизский вариант андровноской культуры (Сухулук, Каинда)

Х—VIII в. до н.э. Северокиргизский вариант карасукской культуры (Джаильма, Нарын, Каргалы).

VII—IV вв. до н.э. Сакский племенной союз (Иссык-кульские жертвенники; Таласские погребения — Айри Там, Чим Тюз, Джиек).

III в. до н. э. Усуньская культура ранних кочевников Семиречья

209—201 г. до н.э. Первое упоминание племенного названия усунь.

176—140 гг. до н.э.. Уход саков с Тянь-Шаня и стабилизация власти усуней.

136—128 гг. до н.э. Приезд Чжан-Цяня к усуням.
Рубеж н.э. уход части усуней на северо-запад.

I в. до н.э. Культура кенкольского могильника.

90-е годы до н.э. Проникновение усуней в Восточный Туркестан.

70-е годы до н.э. Выступление усуней в союзе с Китаем, а затем динлинами и ухуань, против гуннов.

60-50-ые г. до н.э. Китайский протекторат над усунями.
47-46 гг. до н.э. Движение северных гуннов Чжи Чжи шаньюя на Тянь-Шань против усуней.
36 г. до н.э. Убийство Чжи Чжи шаньюя китайским полководцем Ганьяньшоу и Чянь Таном.

87-91 гг. н.э. Разгром гуннов в Центральной Азии
китайскими войсками под предводительством
Дэу Синя и племенами Сяньби.

Начало IV в. Выступление племен Тоба при хане Юйлюй против «усуньских земель»

425 и 436 г. посольство усуней в Китай.
V век. Господство племенного союза юебань и разгром ими жужан, пытавшихся проникнуть в Семиречье.

III—V вв. Начало согдийской культуры Семиречья, бурное развитие оседлых поселений.

545 г. Образование тюркского каганата.

630 г. Приезд Сюань Цзяня в Чуйскую долину. Связь тюрок Тянь-шаня с Китаем.
638—653 гг. Завоевания Дулукагана на Енисее и в Средней Азии.

654 г. Поход Судинфана в Семиречье.

704 г. Падение западно-тюркского каганата и выступление тюргешей.

711—712 гг. Война Мочжо кагана с тюргешами и выступле–ние тюрок в Согдиане против арабов.

748 г. Разгром Суяба китайскими войсками под предво–дительством Ван Чжань Сяня.

751 г. Битва китайцев с арабами на Таласе.

766 г. Завоевание карлуками Тянь-Шаня.

VII—IХ вв. Тюрко-согдийский период: каменные курганы, рунические надписи, балбалы. Влияние Китая и енисейской культуры на Тянь-Шань.

IХ в. Господство карлуков в Семиречьи (IХ—Х вв. «Карлукский период»). Возникновение культуры городов феодального типа.

IХ—Х вв. Сложение основных сюжетов героического эпоса Манас.

840—894 гг. Движение саманидов в Семиречье (Пух ибн Асад, Исмаил ибн Ахмед). Проникновение уйгурской культуры на Тянь-Шань. Начало активного влияния мусульманской культуры Средней Азии на Тянь-Шань.

940 г. Первое появление тюрок (ягма?) на Тянь Шане и взятие Баласагуна в 942 г.
951 г. Упоминание киргиз на Тянь-Шане у Истахри.

960 г. Принятие тюрками Семиречья ислама.

982 г. Упоминание киргиз на Тянь-Шане в рукописи Худуд ал Алам.

992—999 гг. Сложение караханидской династии
(ХI—ХII вв. «Караханидский период»). Абсолютное господство мусульманской культуры.

1041 г. Первое появление киданей в Семиречьи.

1043. Принятие кочевниками ислама.

1125. Второе появление киданей в Семиречьи.

1141—1211 гг. Господство киданей на Тянь-Шане.

1207 г. Войны киданей с Хорезмшахом Мухаммедом.

1208 г. Выступление Хубилая против Кучлука киданьского.

1211. Низвержение Гурхана и владычества Кучлука.

1218 г. Разгром Кучлука Монгольскими войсками под предводительством Джебе Нойона.
In English
  Besenyos, Ogur and Oguz
Kurgan Culture
Andronov Culture
Afanasiev Culture
Karasuk Culture
Alan Dateline
Avar Dateline
Besenyo Dateline
Bulgar Dateline
Huns Dateline
Karluk Dateline
Kimak Dateline
Kipchak Dateline
Khazar Dateline
Kyrgyz Dateline
Sabir Dateline
Seyanto Dateline

