Fragmentation of Western and Eastern Slavic Dialects (5-10th c. AD)

The following synopsis gives a compressed timeline to visualize the admixtures and impacts of other languages on Slavic substrate.
3th c. Linguistical traces of Türkic layer common to all Slavic languages
5th c.
  Slavs are included into Hun's Kaganate ca 370-454. Slavs appear in Pannonia,

 Ostrogoths and Lombards control Pannonia ca 454-558. Splinters of Slav tribes reside in Pannonia,
6th c. Avars re-establish Hunnic Kaganate ca 558-803. Slav tribes reside in Pannonia. Mass relocation of Slavs to peripheral areas in Balkans and Dnieper, appearance of Balkan and N. Pontic Ants. Slavs participate in Avaro-Byzantine wars. Avars encounter Ants as Bulgarian subjects west of Don.
7th c. ca. 630 Breakdown of Avar Kaganate, Breakdown of Western Türkic Kaganate, Emergence of Great Bulgaria. Mass relocation of Danube Slavs to border areas along Dnieper. Turkic Shambat (Samo) splinter state Duloba with center in Pannonia ca 620-653. Emergence of Khazars ca. 670.
7th c.  First Slavic autonomous Principality of Khorushka ("Carinthia (duchy)" ) in Southern Austria ca 600-800, Ludevit of Posavian Croatia ca 820
8th c. N. Slavs migrate northeast into Finnish (Carelian) territory. Bilingual period in Novgorod. Ants and Slavs reside in Balkans, Ants reside in N.Pontic. Slavs are dependent members of Türkic Avar, Khazar, Bulgar confederations. NE Slavs are symbiotic with Finnish tribes. NW Slavs are interlaced and dependent of Germans and Lombards in Pannonia. Ostrogoths inherit Slavs together with subjugated Avars.
8th c. N. Slavs migrate northeast into Finnish (Carelian) territory. Bilingual period in Novgorod. Ants and Slavs reside in Balkans, Ants reside in N.Pontic. Slavs are dependent members of Türkic Avar, Khazar, Bulgar confederations. NE Slavs are symbiotic with Finnish tribes. NW Slavs are interlaced and dependent of Germans.
