In Russian

Besenyos, Ogur and Oguz
Alans and Ases

Alan Dateline
Bulgar Dateline
Huns Dateline
Kipchak Dateline
Sabir Dateline

Djagfar Tarihi Contents · Djagfar Tarihi Preface · Volume 1 · Volume 1 Appendix · Volume 2 · Volume 3

Bakhshi Iman

Volume 2




Translator's Notes

Page numbers, where shown, indicate pages in the book publication. The offered copy of the printed edition may and contain typos and misspellings, for which I apologize and intend to correct them with time. Until then, the posting is representative of the general scope and the detail of the annals.

The "mouse over" explanations basically follow the definitions found in the Annals and represent the views of the writers, which may be different from the known or accepted conditions of the present time. They are the best guess and some of them may be incorrect because of incorrect interpretation of the text  by the translator. The translator of the Annals to Russian left a multitude of the Türkisms in his translation, and they are preserved in the English translation, with the "mouse over" explanations where available. The dates in the chapter headings are added during translation and are imprecise indicators of the period covered.


Chelbir and Bulgaria 108
Kul Gali on Gazan and sailings 110
Kul Gali on Bashtu and Barys 111
Kazan 112
Bulgaria and Mongols 113
Kul Gali about events of 1183 151
Bulgarian chronicler about Shakh-Gali 152



The important role in a southern policy{politics} of the Chelbir was played by Bulgaria. Kul Gali: "When Belebej has told I reign to the Gabdulla that in the West there is one more Bulgaria which name as well Ulag, both the Kara Burdjan, and the Kara of Bulgars the Chelbir has not believed this story and has sent in Bashtu embassy for check of the message. Distrustfulness kapa spoke that under messages krjashtsev, they for a long time have won Ulag Burdjan and have interrupted all local Bulgars. Son Chishmy Ulag Chishma who is taking place in Bashtu, has confirmed fidelity of story Belebeja and has reduced the ambassador with three Kara-Burdjanskimi princes. One of them, the Boyan, ugovorennyj Ulag Chishmoj, has arrived to 1184 in Bulyar and has been accepted by Khan. The Chelbir was so is glad to this meeting and health a Kara-Burdjanianof people that has accepted Ulag Chishmu on service and has enjoined it{him} and to his{its} group from 800 person to help brothers - princes with their war against crafty tirtsev. Ulag Chishma has provided a victory a Kara-Burdjantsev, and those from them which battled under his supervision, named itself in honour of him{it} "ulagtsami". Under the order of Chelbir Ulag Chishma has remained there, but has sent the son of the Wild boar with a part of people on imperial service. The Gabdulla has remained it is pleased with his{its} diligence and the site of the ground near At chel I has presented it{him}, and the Wild boar out of respect for I reign has accepted true belief and has taken his{its} name.

When altynbashtsy have seized Rumom and have attacked on a Kara-Burdjantsev the Gabdulla has directed the Wild boar with his{its} Kumans to the aid of fellow tribesmen. Then Khan Ulag of Burdjan promised to accept an islam if the Wild boar will help it{him} to overcome enemies. The wild boar has broken altshbash-tsev and the Three-copecks piece, and a Kara-Burdjansky Khan has received a nickname has accepted true belief, but rumskie gshpazy have poisoned it{him}. The wild boar with the son of this Khan has left for Bashtu where that has remained as wanted to be closer to the ground of the father. Then the Wild boar has been sent to the aid seldjukskim uzijtsam where also it was distinguished...

When gurdjijtsy have besieged{halted} Kalat we have dug out at night in time strengthening a long hole and began to lift up gurdjijianthe military leader. That has got furious and with strong group has broken through a gate of strengthening. We have purposely receded and have run on the sides{parties} of the hole covered from above by rods and the ground. Gurdjijsky the military leader has directed behind them and has failed in a hole. There and then

Archers gave some neat volleys from arbaletov on dense crowd gurdjijtsev, and the enemy in horror has rushed away, having left on a place from fifty killed horsemen. The wild boar itself has pulled out from a hole gurdjijianthe military leader and his{its} four Djurs - fathers of notable families. At gurdjijtsev, lost the best commander - the instigator of all wars with seldjukami - hands were lowered{omitted}, and timid arjaktsy have easily declined them to the termination{discontinuance} of war. They gave for him{it} and his{its} Djurs all taken at uzijtsev the grounds and, *Ó"¼Ñ it, the rich repayment. Having learned{having found out}, from these people about arrival in Kalat Bulgars, gurdjijtsy did not dare to disturb any more uzijtsev the robberies...

In 1229, sent by the Altynbek to the aid Saksin - Bolgar, the Wild boar has suddenly been attacked by a uncountable army of Tatars and with fight has receded in the Tamya-Tarkhan. There it{he} has heard a message about accession of Gazi-Baradj with which was in unimportant attitudes{relations} because of ground suit, and Burdjan where has once again broken krjashtsev at aul Kutar has preferred to leave with people in the Kara and has received a nickname the Three-copecks piece - Kutar. But when the Wild boar has heard a message about return of the Altynbek in Mar ~ dukan (an imperial palace and a citadel in Bulyar) has gone back. The Altynbek, it is strong drujivshy with it{him}, one more site of the ground where the Wild boar has based aul Altsh-Kutar has presented it{him} and has died in 1235. It{he}, being the generous and fair person, repeatedly helped me and gained{helped} me, and I was with it{him} when it{he} said goodbye to fleeting life..."


One of come back of a campaign to Asia Minor - the Gazan - has received possession near Kazan.

Kul Gali informs curious details of navigation on sea Chulmanskomu. It appears, northern border of Norway (Eg Saduma) had city of Bulgars - Kala in which the colony of Bulgars lived under the direction of merchant Valida. Local Arians (saa ~ we)-÷óëìàíöû did not allow even to come nearer Russian to it{him}, but allowed to do{make} to the Norwegian and Bulgarian merchants parking in harbour of Bulgars - Kaly for rest. The following large stop on a way to Norway referred to the Arian - Tan as was in a mouth of the Lappish river Tan. For the Arian - Tanom there was already first Norwegian station Ik (Eg).

In 1239 of Galidjians (novgorodtsy) have ruined Bulgars - Kalu, for what Norwegians have punished Galidj war. "I floated on Chulmanu to Norway after trips to Uchel, - recollected Gali, - but vynujden was to return with halfway because of hearings about robberies galidjijskih barge haulers (pirates)... After that I, fulfiling the promise to make pilgrimage in case of a successful outcome of navigation, have made hadj... Before arrival of Tatars to Bulyar I again has made hadj, having floated to sacred cities on Idel, Shiru, Azakskomu and to the seas Saklanskomu and having passed through the state Uzijskoe... With me there were 12 inhabitants of Bandja - Kapu or Agardji, former karaimov and Christians who have accepted an islam after my pray on a market square of city.. "(" the Hon of a Kitaby", 1242)


And in notes of the senior son May guta the Boyan who started to write a history of Russia, it was spoken...

When the sheikh Hudja Ahmed has gone to Russia it{he} was accompanied with son Balamira and Bozok the Barys. And it{he} was powerful addition, and during a residence as the hostage in has Bolgar accepted an islam and a name of the instructor the Alish-woman. With it{him} have accepted an islam, three his{its} Boyar... In his{its} Russia and those Boyars at once have tried to christen, and when it{he} has refused, have sent on him{it} son Balamira and Jewesses Myshdauly. But the Barys was covered in the ground batyshtsev and when Myshdauly has intruded the area entrusted to it{him}, has broken it{him} and has stopped in zindan unapproachable fortress Kazile. Then to it{him} there has arrived his{its} father and has asked to release{let off} Myshdauly and to accept christianity in exchange for promise to bequeath to it{him} Kiev (bashtujsky) a throne. The Barys has accepted Christian superstition and has released{has let off} Myshdauly with pity to the father, but thus has told to it{him}: "Look, I shall not forget your promise, and as a token of it I name mountain on which there is a fortress of my city of Kazile, "Bashtu". Therefore fortress Kazile sometimes also named "Bashtu"...

Bonn so wrote about the beginning of Bashtu...

It appears, right after route tirtsev at the Kan - Dere the Alyp-biy has sent to the father gontsa with the message on it. Balamir which father called to the Cheek, that meant "the boy with lokotok", has arranged a feast in this case and during him{it} has died. It{him} pogrebli on one of tops Kujantau also have named to its{her} Cheek. The Alyp-biy loved{liked} the father, ordered suit here the rate. Anchians and captivated tirtsy have constructed some houses under the direction of our masters, and from that time a life in this aul named in honour of both Khans the item Cheek - are scarlet, did not stop...

Then this aul owned Kyr-Kyz or Kharka, that is "Lebed-maiden" - favourite sister Atille. This Bulgarian Khan was born in one year of the Horse why has been named At-ely. But it{he} liked to speak that his{its} name occurs from the old name of the Bulgarian ground - Idel... And father Atille - Urys, that is "Big, Great" which called also Muenchak for love to grivnas, also was pogreben in Cheeks - Alype. When the message about death Atille has come in Cheeks - Alyp, Kyr-Kyz has died from burning... Then Cheeks - Alyp became the center anchijianTarkhanlyks Idel, and in quality idelian the deputy Bek Askal here has been sent. From now on Cheeks - Alyp began to name Askalom. And in 620 in Askale it has been constructed - under the order of Khan Kurbata - a fortress of Bashtu, and she{it} again became capital of Bulgarian power.. .. Then Anchijskaja area polumila name Urys (Russia) as local Bulgars liked to name themselves "urys" - "great", Bulgars - "Urys Bulgars", that is "Great Bulgaria", and the Kara dingez - sUrys dingez", that is "the Great sea", in value "the sea belonging to great Bulgars". For this reason Anchians and tirtsy, and through tirtsev and arabs, and haldjijtsy (Iranians Prikaspija) also frequently named Bulgars "urysami", Bulgaria - "Urys Bulgars *, and the sea - • "Urys dingez". Only after branches Anchijskoj of area or Urysa from Bulgarian power at Bek Ugyre the name "urysy" is attached to the Anchians and their area...

The message about death of the father has come to the Barys later as her{it} hid from him{it}. Nevertheless the Barys has decided to not refuse a throne and has asked for Khan of the Ibragim of the help. The Ibragim has sent to it{him} strong group from 1200 Mardanians led by young Gilas Ilyas, but that was detained with revolt shirskih Badjinaks against Power. Gilas eventually has broken Badjinaks, and those ran without a stop up to Kashan - Ulaga (Moldova), but for this time bashtujskie Christians in the union about Myshdauly had time to kill the Barys whom suspected of intention to ratify in Bashtu true belief. It{he} expected the approach of Mardanians in a field, but, after the specified term has decided, that it{him} have deceived and has gone back to Bashtu. When bashtujskie krjashtsy have learned{have found out}, that it{he} comes back one, without a Bulgarian army have grown bolder and have killed it{him}..


Record Karasheva (the end XVIII - the beginning of XIX century) on one of sheets of the manuscript "Djagfar Tarihi": "At Safa-Garae as it was written to "Histories of Kazan" Ahmetzjana Kultasi and as my father told, some more baliks Kazan have been enclosed with the general{common} wall, and this part of city began to refer to the Kara Balik - "Big, Great

Jail". This construction Safa-Garaj wanted to eclipse glory of khans Gab-del-Latyfa and Sahib-Garaja, strengthened and decorated Echke Balik. The wall and simple towers the Kara of Balik were similar to a wall and a number{line} of towers Echke Balik. But some towers Echke Balik were very beautiful and unique. Towers Echke Balik had own names, and towers the Kara of Balik - digital names. In total in a wall the Kara of Balik there were 30 towers. During a capture of city charom Ibanom a wall and towers the Kara of Balik in many places have been strongly destroyed, and consequently with their rests Russian have filled up rov.

The lake which is taking place in the center Kazan Kara of the Balik, Russian for this reason began to name the Kara-kjul. But thus they wrongly attached to a word "Kara" color significance - "black" though water of this lake was the purest{cleanest} and tasty lake

Water of Kazan". ^ - ^

Tuba djami - ' according to my father of - H. N.Nurutdinova, this mosque has been constructed during very old times astarhantsami from a Khazarian sort a tuba and was on a place of the apartment house worth near to shop of a garment factory at a corner of streets Kremlin and


Fragments from "Djagfar Tarihi".

The palace of the Kazan Ulugbeks - khans represented three houses facing "a wall to a wall... With Spring of 1552 Kul~Ashraf has enjoined hired khans to borrow{occupy} more modest constructions between Chirmyshskoj and the World - Galievskoj towers, and the Imperial Court yard has killed to Seidovu to the Court yard and began reorganization of an old imperial palace from a huge mosque. To finish construction of this mosque had not time". "Having received news about employment{occupation} Russian a mouth of Sura, khan Sahib-Garaj in horror began to become stronger in JUgary Kerman - but not so much from Moscow, how many from the citizens of Kazan who have come in full fury

From defeat of khan".

"... The multitower stone mosque has been built on a place old wooden the Mohammed-Kan djami under the order of seid Jadkara Artana Kul-Ashrafa, and its{her} people named Old Imperial or mosque Kul-Ashraf" more often.


It is accepted to think, that Mongols have appeared in Europe only during wars Mongolian great kapa (emperor) of Chingiz-khan and that the Mongolian tribe of Kalmyks in general prikochevalo to Volgo-Ural only in XVII century. However the data of the collection of Bulgarian annals "Djagfar Tarihi" allow oirovergnug this settled opinion.

The Bakhshi Iman has in detail enough told to us about a history of Kalmyks on the basis of ancient Bulgarian annals and the escaped documents from archive of Bulgarian Khans. According to his{its} materials, communications{connections} between Bulgars and Mongols were established very much for a long time. More 12 thousand years ago the part of Bulgars has left{abandoned} Idel ("Idel"-. The most ancient Bulgarian name of Volgo-Ural becoming later a Turkic name of Itil) also has moved to the Central Asia ("Khin" in Bulgarian) where has received popularity under names of Hons (Huns) and Syanbiyansev. In the beginning the Mongolian tribes named Bulgars "kytajami", submitted gunnam, but then Mongols in the union with Chinese have overthrown authority Huns. Repeatedly authority a smoke the Central Asia gunny have grasped under a name Syanbiyansev. Sjanbijtsami named that part Huns which was pulled together to Mongols. After a while the authority Syanbiyansev also has fallen. One half Syanbiyansev has mixed up with Chinese, and another (number not less than 100 thousand, the person) was part of Mongols and omongolilas. Under Bulgarian legends the sort of Chingiz-khan also is the descendant omongolivshihsja Hons Syanbiyansev. It proves to be true that Chingiz-khan and his{its} relatives had evropeoidnye features, characteristic for a significant part of Bulgars...

On an ancestral home of Bulgars, in Volgo-Ural, their state referred to in the beginning Idel, and from VII century n. e. - Bulgars (Bulgars Yorty, Bulgaria). The first significant groups of Mongols have appeared in Bulgaria at the end of XI century. It were the western Mongols ("Kara-kytai" on - budgarski), submitting earlier vostochnokypchakskomu to breeding association of oimeks and participating together with oimeks in Sh-daddah on rulgariju. In 1095 Bulgars have crushed ojmekskoe an army, and captured a Kara-kytaev (switching and their Princes Karsuna and Balchuga) have settled on the rivers Suras and the Mythical stone. Here have settled also a part of others kytaev, taken in fights with oimeks and a Kara-kytaj-skim the union of tribes in Kazakhstan in FROM 1140th later. Captured a Kara-kytaev Bulgarian Khans have settled other part on the rivers Djyaik (JAik, Ural), Buzuluk, etc. Everywhere, where settled kytai, they should bear{carry} military service: on protection of border, embassies, trading caravans, etc. Bulgars named the slujilyh kytaev "turbii" ("true people") or "turkytai" ("true kytai").

Some auls turbiev expanded till the sizes of cities. So, one of Bulgarian cities referred to Turchy or End faces - named prince turbiev (Dorji). Among turbiev, lodged on Buzuluk, the sort byrlas, accepted, as well as some other kytai-skie groups, an islam was allocated. Byrlastsy bore{carried} protection of a Bulgarian fortress with obviously Mongolian name Kuken-Budja on strategic doroge from Djaika to Bolgar. Invasion to Bulgaria djuchidskih Kypchaks (Kyrgyzes in Bulgarian) in 1278 and subsequent attacks Djuchidov have forced a part byrlastsev to move to Kashan (so Bulgars named Central Asia made between Aral sea, Balkhash and Pakistan). Immigrants - byrlastsev were headed by the grandfather of emir Tamerlana. Tamerlan never overlooked about Bulgaria - the native land of the ancestors. When in 1390th enemy Tamerlana - djuchidsky khan Tahtamysh was covered in capital of the Bulgarian state city of Bulgars al-Djadid (modern Kazan) terrible emir has not allowed to damage to the soldiers to the Bulgarian grounds and has turned the armies back. All turbii in Bulgaria have apprehended Turkic language and many traditions of Bulgars, but thus have kept both the language and some customs.

The Mongolian tribes which have obeyed Chingiz-khan, Bulgars named Tatars. This .bulgarsky custom have apprehended both in Russia. And in Europe. When Chingiz-khan has made the decision to win Bulgaria owning territory from Kara sea up to Bulgarian (Caspian) and from Don up to Yenisei, that the part of the Mongolian princes began skrytno to interfere with realization of this plan. So, the senior son of Chingiz-khan Juchis has concluded with Bulgarian Khan the Gabdulla the Chelbir the secret union and has warned it{him} about a preparing attack to Bulgaria the Mongolian army Subede and Jab.

In 1223 on the river Kalka Subede and Jab have broken the Russian Princes, refused to go together with Mongols to Bulgaria. But when after that Subede and Jab have attacked the Bulgarian ground the Chelbir warned Juchis completely has crushed them in Kermek-skoj (Mutton) fight. Under Bulgarian legends, in 1227. Juchis have been rascally killed under the order of the Chingiz-khan who was found out about communications{connections} of the son with Bulgaria. After that the Mongolian attacks to Bulgaria have become frequent. During same time for the Bulgarian grounds began to attack and Russian feudal lords. In 1229 g, Bulgarian kytai, living on rg Djyaik and headed by Princes Merkulom and Kurbatom, guards on the western border of Bulgaria have been moved from Ural on river Muhsha (Moksha) for amplification{strengthening} Bulgarian. To these turbijskimi sorts had been closely connected Bulgarian Khan Gazi-Baradj perfectly knowing the Mongolian language. In 1232. Gazi-Baradj, svergnutyj earlier from a throne the contender, has gone to Mongolia where has concluded the union with great Kan Ugedeem. Mongols have nicknamed Gazi-Baradj "Burunday".

In 1236 - 1237 the Mongolian armies, under order Ugedeja, have helped Gazi-Baradj to return Bulgarian troi, for what the Bulgarian army of Gazi-Baradj has helped Mongols to win Russia and uchastvovala in a campaign of Mongols to the Western Europe in 1237 - 1241 (in army of Bulgars the group turbijian prince Daisha was also). Gazi-Ba-radj has conceded to Mongolia and jujnobulgarskie the grounds (mejdurechje Don and Itil, the Bottom Itil region, a part of the grounds on Djaiku, Kazakhstan) which have been included in northwest area of Mongolia - ulus Djuchidov or Desht-i Kypchak. And Mongolia has entered into a buffer zone on bulgaro-djuchidskoj to border (settled down on line Dja ~ ik - Saratau or Saratov on Itil) the special case for protection of the Bulgarian state from razbojnyh attacks djuchidskih Kypchaks ("Kyrgyzes" in Bulgarian). Headed this case son Jab bagatur Nimruj. Impact of horse group Jab and Nimruja has turned an outcome of fight on the river Kalka. This river Bulgars named the Kalga-Almysh (from here - Kalka), Turkmens - Kalmius, and Mongols - the Kalmak. In Kermekskom battle Jab covered the Itil ferry at Sembera (Simbira) and has been hardly wounded, and Nimruj was taken prisoner. However bring down (town governor) of Bulgarian city of Alabuga, captivated Nimruja, did not execute it{him}, for what Nimruj has taken to itself a name "Alabuga". Being proud of the participation in Kalkinskoj to fight, Nimruj has named one of sons Kal a poppy. Other son bagatura Buruldaem (Bu ~ rildaj).

In "Djagfar Tarihi" brother Nimruja is mentioned also. Which in 1246 at the request of the son of Gazi-Baradj of the Khisam has pacified revolt in the Bulgarian city of Nur-Suvar ("Burunda" on - mongolski) and has received for this nickname "Burundaj". Gazi-Baradj also named "Burundaem", by this time any more was not in alive.

Sort Jab in Bulgaria named "Djably", and Mongols of case Nimruja - "Bulgarian Tatars" as they lived on Bulgarian.. To the ground also were considered as allies, the. When Nimruj has died, Bulgarian governor Ismail has enjoined to bury bagatura for special merits in front of Bulgaria in the Bulgarian city of Sember (Sim-bir, later - Simbirsk). That Bulgarian Tatars felt like on Djaike and to Itil is quieter, Bulgarian governors have destroyed all fortresses near a buffer zone and have moved round - bijsky rs! d Merkula back on Djaik. At the end of XVI century when the authority of Bulgaria on Djaike has fallen, sort Merkula was christened and became a nucleus of the Ural cossacks.

In 1260th when djuchidskie khans Desht-i were Kypchak separated from Mongolia, and the Bulgarian state has preferred to remain the ally of Mongolia, conditions on bulgaro-djuchidskoj to border became disturbing. In 1278. Burildaj - the then chief of the Mongolian case - has been bribed djuchidskim by khan Mengu-Timur (and living later Idegey  Bulgars named this khan "Aksak-Timer", that po~bulgarski meant "gangster", "villain") and began

Secretly to operate against Bulgaria. In the beginning it{he} has arrested the brother of the Kalmak, true to the union with Bulgars, and then has opened southern border of Bulgaria that has allowed kypchakskoj Mengu-Timur's to horde suddenly to break to the center of the Bulgarian state and to force Bulgarian Khans (emirs) to payment of tribute Djuchidam. The majority of Bulgarian Tatars was dissatisfied with change Burildaja, but has not dared to act openly against him{it} as it{he} leaned{based} on powerful then djuchidskie hordes.

However at Burildaja the powerful envious person - dju-chidsky prince Nogaj was found. Not wishing amplification{strengthening} of the contender in Desht-i Kyichake and aspiring to catch a buffer zone, Nogaj has decided to ruin it{him}. When war with Iranian Hulaguidami in one of fights Nogaj with the kypchakskim group has suddenly receded has flashed and by that has substituted under impact hulaguidskoj konnitsy case Burildaja. As we see, with Burildaem have acted{arrived} the same as it{he} has acted{arrived} with Bulgars. Burildaj together with uncle Burundaem and a part of people has been crushed konnitsej the Iranian Mongols and disgracefully was lost. Escaped Itil-Djaik Mongols have selected the leader of the Kalmak and, understanding, that Nogaj will not leave them alone, have left in Zetsger Jort (Dzungaria or the Dark blue Horde). From that time Mongols Nimrujian of the case began to name Kalmaks (in Russian pronunciation - Kalmyks) - named their leader of the Kalmak. They and in Dzungaria have not lost communication{connection} with Bulgaria. Bulgarian merchants told, how Kalmaks at a meeting with them named themselves Bulgarian Tatars and dreamed of returning to coast Djaika and Itil. In XVII century, when century. Dzungaria war between the Mongolian tribes, Kalmyks again prikochevali to Bulgaria, on Djyaik and Itil has flashed. Their leaders, hardly having arrived in the former possession, have there and then gone on ruins of ancient Bulgarian capital of city Bolgar to bow to " kind spirits of the Bulgarian ground" and "to receive their sanction to a quiet residence in it{her}".

"Kalmaks have returned to Bulgaria as in the house", - the Bakhshi Iman notices. In this phrase the satisfaction of the composer of the collection is felt - in fact Kalmyks at once after returnings have joined Bulgars struggling against the Moscow colonizers. From that time in crowds of people visiting{attending} sacred places Bolgar, always it was possible to meet and Kalmyks. Not casually great Bulgarian poet Gali Chokryj (1826 - 1889) has noticed in one of the poems:

Was an imperial fortress Bolgar, there aspired mlad and it is old.

That the city was the Bashkir, Tatars, it{he} from above looked plains.



Kul Gali notices: not groundless hearings went that Khan has disposed (in 1183) to deduce{remove} from an environment of all Russian Princes - after they have promised to it{him} to recognize as his{its} mister, to render every possible services and to pay for themselves the huge repayment. That it was so, proves to be true those favour with which the Chelbir showered direct participants of this secret affair.

As was guided thus by a wise rule honskih the Khans, saying: "Poshchajennyj you the old leader of enemies becomes your true vassal and the ally from fear and gratitude to you, than new, not afraid and nothing obliged to you more likely".

(Kul Gali. "Hon Kitaby").



... During time Artanskoj (Livonskoj) of war has Shakh-Gali shown heroism and has borrowed{occupied} half Artana (Baltics). After that negotiations have begun, and his{its} Bulgarian army have deduced{removed} to Moscow. Therefrom it{he} (in 1558) Has gone on rest in the Khan - Kerman (Kasimov)... Sjujumbika has asked it{him} then to check up a condition of mosque "Polli" in which there was tomb Safa-Garaja, and in case of need podremontirovat a tomb. Khan has directed to Kazan May - tera World - Gali Kultari, the son the World - Ahmeda, grandson Moshi... And mullah Mosha Bish-Baltinsky - his{its} descendant... When has world - Gali arrived to Kazan it{him} have not passed{missed} in a fortress. However then in city son Kul~Ashrafa seid Husain conducting{leading} negotiations with Boyars about returning to it{him} Seidova of the Court yard was, It (Ivan Groznyj) promised it{him} Alashi that that has allowed the Kazan cossacks and ulans to participate in war with incorrect in Artane. Voevody have allowed to correct to it{him} some constructions Seidova of the Court yard... Having learned{Having found out} about arrival World - Gali, the seid has immediately appointed his{its} head of works... Having arrived on a place (in Seids the Court yard), has world - Gali found out, that mosque "Gjulli" has been disassembled by Uruses.. .. Have disassembled voevody and minarets of mosque Gabdel-Mumina - "Ashla Tjumen" and "Ulug Manara" ("the Big Minaret")... Minaret "Tjumen" has been built at the Ashla-Arbat (XII century) and has received therefore and his{its} name "Ashla"... When Uruses have rushed into Kazan it are necessary to cover some bakhadirs on this minaret a withdrawal{waste} of the Mohammed-bakhadir and as a token of the determination have chained itself to a tower circuits... Incorrect could approach to a tower only after last bakhadir has been wounded and could not shoot more. But when it{he} has heard steps of the enemies rising on a minaret has blown up itself together with his{its} top... The Second - "Ulug Manara" - was built still by the Shamgun - Sain in one year of the foundation of Kazan (1103). The bottom of the minaret with the big and beautiful doors was stone, and top was wooden. As it surpassed in height all other towers, it was also called "Shahri Kala"...

One more minaret for mosque "Gjulli" was under construction, but had time to erect only his{its} bottom part. It{he} also has been demolished...

On a place of a minaret "Ashla Tjumen" has world - Gali built the new tower similar former "Ulug Manara", and near to it{her} - a new tomb for Safa-Garaja...

However in 1565 when seid - emir Husain hardly was ill, voevody have forbidden construction in Seidovom the Court yard and have wanted to blow up just the constructed tower World - Gali. For this purpose they have chiselled through an aperture in its{her} wall. But the master has warned, that for durability has fastened a tower iron hoops, and in a case ee'podryva she{it} will fall in all length and will crush church worth by a number{line}. It has frightened Boyar, and they have left a tower alone, only have made above it{her} a dome to give to it{her} a kind of a church belltower... Have world - Gali seized and have subjected to tortures, but then nevertheless have released{have let off}... Speak, the master was rescued with intervention in business Check - Gali... After death of this kind khan his{its} many Djurs (combatants) appeared in Biste (Zabulachnaya a large village of Kazan) as Alashi was afraid of their influence in Khan - Kermane (Kasimove)...




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Besenyos, Ogur and Oguz
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